31. Truly a princess.

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Three days later

"Aliyah, please. I promise this time it's something that you're going to agree to! Please honey!" Mum said.

"I don't care, Mum!" I blasted. "The last time, you said something similar! How can I believe you?"

I was fuming. It had just been nearly a week, well, five days to be precise, since my engagement broke, and mum was already talking to me about proposals! What in the world?

"Darling, you have to get married! This time, there's no pressure whatsoever. Just agree to the meeting, and after that, you can say no. You don't have to worry about hurting the guy by turning him down or worry about disappointing me. If you don't like the guy, you can say no, without any obligations. Please, love?" Mum said.

"Mum, you know me. I hate turning people down. I hate disappointing you! So how can I say no if I don't like him?" I asked.

"The same way you're saying no to me when I'm asking you to meet him!" Mum replied. "Look, dear. You hate disappointing me, right?"

I nodded.

"Look, I'll be disappointed if you don't agree to meet with him, but I won't be disappointed if you say no to the guy after meeting him if you don't like him," mum said.

I sighed in defeat. This is officially the last time I'm agreeing to such a meeting.

During the previous two times, I was silly enough to say yes to the proposals despite knowing that I liked Farshad. But this time, I was going to do no such thing. I was going to meet with whoever it was who had brought the proposal, but no way was I going to agree. And if Umniyah doesn't talk to Farshad, then may Allah help me.

"Fine, mum," I said, finally.

"Great! They wanted to come over this evening, so I'll give them the heads-up," mum said.

I stared at mum, wide-eyed in horror. "Why this evening?"

"You can ask them that when they come over," mum said.

With that, mum left my room. Great! Now she was probably going to call them and tell them to come tonight!

But I had made up my mind. I was going to refuse. Even if the guy happened to be one of the best out there, and my reason was because I loved someone else, and I realised it was not worth losing someone as good as Farshad even if it meant missing out on someone even better than him.


As much as the twins wanted to go out this evening, they were refused by mum. Of course, if I was going to speak to some non-mahrem guy, then my brothers had to be present.

They both barged into my room, not even bothering to knock, just as I was pinning my hijaab.

"They're here, waiting for you!" Asif said, smirking.

I blinked at him. Why in the world was he smirking?

"Hurry up, sis. You don't want to keep them waiting too long," Arif added.

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