38. All good things come to an end.

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"Aliyah? We should pray the nafl salaah, the one which is prayed after marriage," Farshad said, coming inside our room.

I had gone to unpack my suitcase and put all my clothes in the closet whilst Farshad decided to inspect if all the sanitary ware in the apartment was working fine.

"I know, I wanted to tell you the same thing," I replied.

"I have just done wudhu, you can go do it, and then we can pray," he suggested.

I nodded and went to perform ablution. When I came out, Farshad had already laid down the prayer mats. I stood behind him and he commenced the salaah.

I felt so serene. Here I was, praying behind my husband, and honestly, nothing had felt this good in my life before.

Once we were done, Farshad held my hand and led me to the bed. He sat me down and sat next to me.

"I have something for you," he said.

"Oh," was all I could say.

He took out a small box from his pocket, and handed it to me.

"Here, open it," he instructed.

I did as he told me, and while I had no idea what to expect it the first place, what I saw caused my eyes to widen in surprise.

Laying in the box was the same Bluetooth earpiece that Farshad had given me a few years back when Burhan Murat and Zack Warner were planning to abduct me, and Farshad had swooped in to save me.

Farshad burst out laughing at my bewildered face. The sound of his laughter was so good, I wished I could hear it all day.

I looked at him, surprised. "Why did you give this to me?" That was the most unexpected thing he had given me.

"I just wanted to revive your memory. Do you remember that day?" He asked.

"Of course I do! How can I forget it? Had it not have been for you..." I trailed off.

"Hey, but I was there to save you, right?" He said, gently. "Anyway, I just wanted to see your reaction with that device. I actually do have something for you on a more serious note," he told me. He stood up and went to the dresser, and opened a drawer. He came back with another box and gave it to me.

"Open it," he instructed once more.

I opened the other box, and inside, strapped to a mini cushion was a silver Pierre Cardin bracelet watch. It was really nice, and I liked it.

"Do you like it?" Farshad asked.

"It's lovely. I do," I said.

"I know that you must already be owning a lot of jewellery and watches already, but I still felt that I had to give you something. So I took Umniyah with me and we both liked this watch for you," he said.

"Oh, I really do like it. You both have good taste," I said.

"And there's something else," Farshad said.

"Ya Allah! Farshad, how much more will there be? I haven't got you anything and now I'm feeling really bad, because you've already given me so much!" I said.

"You don't have to worry about giving me anything. Just getting you in my nikkah today was all I wanted. But anyway," he said, and opened the nightstand drawer, pulling out an envelope. "Here you go. Open it," he told me, handing me the envelope.

I opened it, pulling out a document. "Wow! A trip to the U.A.E?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I thought we could go to Dubai and Abu Dhabi for our honeymoon?" He said, but it sounded more like a nervous question.

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