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Maybe I should try to find a way to one of the villages so I can find out what kind of place this is and what could have happened. I could also learn a little bit more about the girl whose body I am in.
Hopefully nobody realises that I am not that girl and nothing bad happens.

I take a deep breath before I look around me ones again to see how I am supposed to leave this rock.
Walking from one side to the other, the grass softly tickles the soles of my feet.
The girl must have had a way to come up to this rock before I took over her body so why can't I see it? There is no bridge that would connect this rock with another.
In despair I look down on one side, almost being sure I can never leave this place.
Then I suddenly see it! A rope ladder connects my rock with the one under it.
"Sometimes you just need a change of perspective or a least a functioning brain.", I laugh at myself.

Carefully and without looking down I grab the rope ladder and put my first foot an it.
Oh dear! It's shaking like crazy.
On the one hand I don't suffer from vertigo but on the other hand I was never at a place this high and I know for sure that on wrong step will kill me.
With extreme caution I let my second foot follow and then take one step after another.
My hands hold the rope so fast that they are almost as white as the hair that is not mine.

An eternity later I can finally put my feet on the ground of the next rock and my world isn't shaking anymore, to my great joy.
I am looking up to where I came from and the view is kind of scary.
The big rock is just flying a few meters above me and I feel like he could just fall down on me anytime.
Why was the girl on this rock anyway? Could it be that she secretly wanted to meet someone there or this is the place where she can hide and just run away from life?
Maybe I will find the answer.

I turn around and discover a normal bridge- luckily. After walking to the other side of the rock where this bridge starts and feeling just the same grassland as before under my feet, I reach the suspension bridge that will lead me to the next flying rock. Flowers similar to daisies are decorating the handrail.

Again, I carefully set one feet on the bridge after the other. This bridge isn't shaking as much as the ladder but still swaying softly in the wind so I keep my hands on the handrail to feel a little bit safer.
Looking in front of me, I realise that I actually have a really long way left to go.

After I walked for a while I even have the courage to look down from one side of the bridge and I can see the flying rocks and clouds and nothing besides that.
I feel like I am levitating in the sky.
The fact that the next objects in the sky are so far away only reinforces that impression.
Strangely I feel very good seeing everything under me and being above everything. I even feel a little bit superior and invincible.

Some time- I don't really know how much time actually went by- later, I set the first step on the third rock today.
I suddenly become aware of the fact that my feet don't really hurt at all even though I was walking for quite a long time. My own feet would hurt like hell after such a distance since I am definitely not the sportiest person on earth but the girl these feet belonged to must be someone who is accustomed with walking for a long time.

I front of me I can see one of those strange villages up close.
Strangely the people here seem very worried since they walk around really hectically and even talk to each other without the typical formal greeting that I thought was essential here.

As I walk into the village the fist person that sees me runs over to me and grabs me by my shoulders.
"Hey! What is going on?", I ask that person shocked.
"Where have you been? Do you now how worried everyone was? And do you know how anxious your father was? What happened to you?", the person in front of me asks me out of breath. It is a woman with a very pretty face, hair that she tressed to a crown around her head and a simple dress in soft green.
But why is she asking me such questions? What happened that everyone is this worried about me? About the girl whose body I took over to be exact?
I don't know what happened, I don't even know who I am, how I came here, what this place and who the woman in front of me is.
So I just stay quiet and wait for her to explain something or give me a hint so I can understand what is going on.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't ask you so many questions. You must be so worn out. Follow me!"
I take a deep breath. Phew! That was close.
She leads me through the small village and I try to remember every single detail I see.
Something surprises me a little bit: there is nothing standing around on the streets or in front of the houses. No decoration like a tawdry garden gnome is to be seen and no benches or something similar too.
There are just houses that are made of fabric and a few flowers that are sewn in them.

Then the woman stops in front of one of these houses and asks me to go in.
With a little bit indisposition I give in and go inside of the house.
The first thing I realise is that the temperature​ is very cozy and it is not windy at all contrary to my expectations.
The next thing I realise is that a man in a light​ yellow dress is sitting on a very old looking chair made of something that seems to be ivory and is looking a me with big eyes that show so much shock, worry and relief.

"Aurora, how happy I am you are back!"

Unthersee - The EndTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang