Ep 9: The girl with purple hair

Start from the beginning

Impmon laughs uncontrollably.


Impmon looks down to see a blonde girl staring up at him. With her eyes narrowed.

"What do you want Blondie?" He asks rudely.

Tiffany bawled her fists. "Why did you do that?" She asked.


"Why did you attack them for no reason. That is just wrong."

Impmon smirks. "What are you going to do about it?" He asked as jumps down from the lamp pole he stood on.

Tiffany shook her head. "I'm not going to do anything." She whispered.

"Ha...That's the same thing with all you humans. You try to act all tough and brave.  Here is a word of advice for you Blondie. Don't try to be a hero." He laughs.

Tiffany looks down at her shoes. She didn't know what to do or say. Until an idea appeared in her head.

"Why don't we make a deal?"

Impmon was surprised by the sudden suggestion. He took a step back. "Make a deal with a human?" He asked.

Tiffany nodded. "What if I come every night, right here and give you food. And in exchange you can't attack random people."

Impmon put his right hand to his chin. "I don't know...your asking a lot from me."

Tiffany bit her lip. "Please...you should step. If the government keeps on getting sightings of digimon. Their probably going to kidnap my friends digimon. And they could be tested on...or worse." She whispers sadly.

"And why should that be my problem?"impmon asked.

"Because they could come after you too."

Impmon grows silent, while Tiffany stared him down. She was trying her hardest to get this rookie digimon to change his mind.

"Fine" He mummbles. "But this better be good food." He warned.

"I promise" Tiffany smiled as she walks away from him. "Be here tomorrow, around the same time."

(Blaine's house)

Blaine sat in the guest room of his aunt and uncles.

The room was rather small. But still a reasonable size for someone to be in. He had a twin sized bed with purple bed sheets.

He was currently on his laptop finishing his homework.

Gatomon was curled up next to him. The feline digimon was fast asleep.

As he did his homework. He would gently pet Gatomon's back.

The doorbell was heard.

"I got it!" He shouted.

He ignored the fact that Gatomon was sleeping. The feline digimon could sleep through anything. And she did just that.

He got off his bed and raced to the front door.

He unlocked it and open the door to see...Julia smiling at him. Pansamon was in her arms with a small frown.

"Hey bro" She said softly.

"Julia" Blaine whispered in shock.

Julia rushed Blaine and hugged him. "Pansamon told me everything." She cried.

Pansamon had hopped out of Julia's arms before she could hug her brother.

Blaine hugged his sister tightly. As she sobbed into his chest.

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