Glass Cups and Bullets

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'Hey-' Vane pushed past Jack Rackham, cutting off the old gray haired pirate as he made contact. He fished for the cell key that was confined within the walls of his coat, Jack standing besides him and looking as confused as ever.

'What're you up too, Vane?' Jack asked,leaning up against the prison they confined Nathaniel in.

'I'll tell you what's up, Jack,' Vane spat, finally wrapping his hand around the key in his pocket. 'We're gonna do something about our little friend.'

Vane shoved the key into the door viciously.

'But what about-?'

'I don't give two shites about what James and Elizabeth will think,' Vane paused after answering Jack's partial unspoken question. 'Damned girl can't make up her mind. So I'm gonna make it up for her.'

'You mean...?' Jack stood close behind Vane watching as he turned the key.

'This lad's gonna die today,' Vane smirked, it was one of sick accomplishment, though what would you expect from him. Vane was one of the crazy sort.

Vane removed the key from the door, shoving it open as he did. The whole room smelled of stale piss, and with no lights inside the prison it was almost impossible to see how Nathaniel fared. Vane held his hand out expectantly towards Jack, wanting the grey haired pirate to fetch him a lantern. Whatever he was going to do he had to do it fast, for Elizabeth and James could stroll this way whenever allowed.

Jack scowled, not wanting to be Vane's newest servant, yet he complied anyway. Retrieving the nearest lantern that hung from the side of the stone prison and handing it over to the dark haired pirate besides him.

'Don't give me that look,' Vane sneered, snatching the lantern forcibly from his hands.

'Don't tell me what to do,' Jack rebutted, moving back to lean against the wall.

Vane parted his lips to say something and put the old pirate in his place, yet he closed them after moments of thought. Now was not the time to go piss him off.

'Are ye gonna get on with it or just keep staring at me like some idiot,' Jack waved his hand dismissively, turning his head away.

'I was getting to it,' Vane argued, frowning as he looked back towards the prison's door.

'Uh huh.' Jack begged to differ.

Vane mentally told off the man in his head before inching into the dark space of the prison, lantern held in front of him to illuminate the small and confining place.

Nathaniel sat in the far corner, his ligaments sprawled about as he laid nearly unconscious, shielding his eyes half heartily as he watched the menacing man approach, all of the steam and imagination for his snarky rebuttals gone. The wooden floor surrounding him was damp with Nathaniel's own piss. As much as the smell displeased him, Vane couldn't contain the laugh that erupted from his mouth as he stared down at the humiliated man.

'What... Do ye want?' Nathaniel croaked, slowly but surely re positioning himself on the floor. The metal chain shackle heavy on his ankle as he sat.

'I don't necessarily wish for anything of material value,' Vane smirked, pacing along in front of Nathaniel. 'Honestly, I'd much rather fancy takin' yer life.'

Nathaniel's expression shifted from weak to scared, he immediately reached for a nearby glass cup, one that he'd been using for water- that is when his attendant bothered to show up and care for the prisoner.

'You can't!' Nathaniel exclaimed as loud as he parched throat would allow, which wasn't particularly loud. 'You won't!'

'Oh but I will,' Vane smiled. 'I think it's cute how you think a glass cup will save you.'

Nathaniel chucked the cup, the dining room piece missing Vane by colossal inches, although the two of them had lost sight of it well after it had zoomed by Vane the distinct shattering echoed throughout the room.

However little the threat of a flying cup might've been, Vane still didn't exactly fancy being threatened. Even by a lowlife piece of shite man.

'That didn't seem to work in your favor,' Vane growled, closing the distance between the two of them quickly. 'I can't believe you even dared to throw it.'

The two remained silent for several moments, the dark accompanying the unspoken words poetically

'Why?' Nathaniel finally spoke, his eyes sobering up, his facial expression losing it's spark of what little intimidation the meager man still possessed.

'Men like you don't deserve to walk the streets,' Vane growled, grasping the cloth of Nathaniel's shirt.

'I could say the same about you,' Nathaniel spat, that match of survival being re lit.

'Don't compare yerself to me!' Vane exclaimed. 'Don't you dare.'

'And why not?'

'I am nothing like you,' Vane hissed. 'I've never once laid a harmful finger on any lass, neither have I insulted anyone's mother.'

'I'm having a hard time believing both of those things,' Nathaniel replied, hazel eyes focused on the damp ground. His head pounding from an intolerable headache.

'Well ye better-'

Nathaniel brought another glass cup down hard on Vane's head, silencing the pirate instantly as he tumbled to the floor. It took mere moments for Vane to recover, yet Nathaniel has already grasped yet another breakable and damaging object. Vane launched himself up, not caring to check the blood trickling from somewhere upon the top of his head.

'You son of a bitch!' Vane roared, snatching the next cup out of Nathaniel's hand with such force that the cup cracked beneath his touch.

Nathaniel now cowered on the floor, backing further and further away from an advancing Charles Vane.

'How do you think people like it when you go smashing glass cups on their heads?! How about I give ye a little taste!' As the words escaped Vane's mouth the pirate brought the cup down with such intensity that it shattered almost instantly and into several tiny pieces.

Nathaniel yelped, grasping his head with bruised hands. Vane's knuckles bled, but he didn't care. He was almost done with the man.

Vane ripped the pistol from his holster, drawing it on Nathaniel. Nathaniel's hands shot up as he stared into Vane's eyes.

'Please,' Nathaniel pleaded.

'There's a special place in Hell for pieces of shite like you,' Vane growled.

Time almost seemed to move in slow motion. Vane brought his finger down, pulling the trigger. A round burst from his gun. Nathaniel gasped and stuttered as his hands flew to his chest, carefully inspecting the wound on his chest before he fell quickly to his knees. And then he slumped slowly to the ground, his breaths rapid, slow, and then gone. 

'Rest in piece you shit,' Vane spat on the mans body before stuffing his pistol back into his holster.

Vane turned to retreat back out the door.

'Better get this mess cleaned up before James and his gal make their way around here,' Vane spoke to Jack as he emerged from the darkness, lantern in hand once again.

'Aye, Vane. Then what do we do?'

'Get the hell out of Nassau before James puts the pieces together.'


I'm sorry for the delay :(

I had a big test to study for and I finally took it today- it opened up my schedule. I also had to publish a competition piece, which is also finished.

So... HE'S GONE. Vane smashed a cup on his head:3 Than shot the poor fellow. 

I wonder how James and Elizabeth will react... All I know is that Vane should get the hell out of Nassau before Captain Pissoff (Edward) comes back;)

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