chapter 1- "Mate"

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There are two types of vampires, the good and the bad.

A world where vampires are mixed with humans, vampires control humans, killing innocent humans. The royals can't do anything about this, as it is their son Aspen and his friends. One day Aspen comes along a girl named Skylar, does he kill her the very instant he sees her or do they fall in love?


I stood there, looking at all the drained bodies. Yes, I am a vampire, in fact I am the prince of vampires. I cleaned the blood of my mouth with my sleeve and walked away towards my house. This feels wrong, killing these worthless humans but at the same time it feels so good, this is what I do for a living. Vampires were born to kill humans, right? That is why we have fangs, right? No one can change my mind about this, not even my mother.


Skylar is an innocent girl who has her whole life planned out, meeting the perfect guy, getting married, having children and then slowly dying together. Never did she think she would be the mate of a vampire, not just any vampire, he's the prince and also the bad boy.

Aspen is the bad vampire, doesn't care what happens around him, and doesn't care about life. That is until he meets his mate, he never thought that he would be paired with a human, when he doesn't like them but he learns to give in.


-Aspen P.O.V-

I stood there, looking at all the drained bodies. Yes, I am a vampire, in fact I am the prince of vampires. I cleaned the blood of my mouth with my sleeve and walked away towards my house. This feels wrong, killing these worthless humans but at the same time it feels so good, this is what I do for a living. Vampires were born to kill humans, right? That is why we have fangs, right? No one can change my mind about this, not even my mother.

Once I had arrived at my castle, the guards greeted me and opened the door for me. I walked in and started walking towards my room when I was pushed against the wall, I quickly got up and looked to see my older brother Jaxson, Jaxson is 20, 2 years older than me in human years, he looks like me but a more mature and older version of me.

"What the fuck," I yelled getting into his face.

"You need to stop killing all those humans, mom and dad are pissed."

"So, you can't tell me what to do," I said pushing him.

"Yes, I can I am your older brother Aspen."

And that's when it started, our first fight with each other. Punches were thrown everywhere, I pushed Jax to the floor and getting on top of him and kept punching his face. Oh, who cares he can heal. I then felt someone lifting me off of Jaxson, I looked to see my father, the king of vampires, looking at me with a disappointed face. The next minute I am walking out of the castle, I walk towards the other side of town so I wasn't near the castle and also that's where my hideout is, no one knows about it other than Jaxson.

-Skylar P.O.V-

"Bye," I said waving to Ryder.

Ryder is my best friend, has been for 16 years and he will be forever. It is now 12 am and I had just left his house, I only live 3 blocks away so it really doesn't matter. I was looking for my phone in my bag when a hard body ran into me, knocking me to the floor. Of course, it is a vampire, only vampires come out at this time, no human dares to come out at this time because they will probably get attacked.

"Watch it," it said.

I got up and looked up at it but couldn't see it's face as it was covered with its hood, I scoffed and walked past it when my face ran into a body again.

"I think you owe me an apology," it said not letting me past.

"No, I don't. You're the one who pushed me to the ground," I said looking at it.

"Mate," it said.

"Mate?" I asked it.

He took his took his hood off, to reveal a hot guy with brown hair and you could see the tattoos on his neck, his perfect jawline and his eyes.

"I love how you were thinking about me," he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"wha- "

"Vampires can read minds," he said confidently, "don't worry I think you're pretty sexy too."

That is when it happened, the first time a vampire had ever bitten me.

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