CHAPTER 6: THE unexpected visitor( part 2)

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( well here you go guys... The moment you've been waiting for.... But I warn you.... It is very a surprise waiting at the end.😈 )

Genos pov

As soon as sensei and I approach the building, I had a bad feeling. " Sensei, I have a bad feeling about this building......... It just doesn't look right."

Sensei-saitama turned around to look at me. "Well of course it doesn't look right.... It's an old building."

"Yes, but..... Never mind."

"Great, now let's go inside."

Sensei-saitama and I approach the door. Saitama had put his hand on the knob to see if it was unlocked. "Hey.... It's unlocked..... Perfect." Sensei, was hoping to see an empty, filthy, dirty place inside but, as soon as he opened the door the place was............. CLEAN!!!! Like everything was neat and clean and spotless. Who ever did this, I need to study them, that way I can make the apartment much cleaner.

Saitama pov

This place........... It's BEAUTIFUL!!!!! ITS THE MOST CLEANEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE I'VE EVER SEEN!!!! It was the most precious thing my eyes ever layed on. It even brought tears to my eyes....... And I don't usually cry because, I've lost all of my emotions. It looked like we were in a living room because, there we're couches and even a piano here!!! Everything was colorful and had a lot of white in it too....... Like we were in some kind of white colored room...... I guess. There was a lot space everywhere. Like more furniture was needed to be added because, of it's so much emptiness.

Then, I thought of a good idea. "Genos, let's split up and look around." Genos didn't like this idea. "But, sensei what if we make too much noise..... She might think someone is inside."

"But, someone is inside.......US!!!"

Genos immediately took note of this. While I just shook my head and walked up the stairs. Genos stayed downstairs to look around as well.

Genos pov

There was really nothing here to find. I can sense a human life form but, I can't find it. That's when I heard noise coming from a room next to me. "What's that noise I hear?" I analyze to find out and it seems to be someone is jump roping. I quietly walked towards the door where I hear the noise. Once, I approach the door I heard 3 different voices.

"Wow, senpai you sure have trained a lot lately ever since the incident you had." Next, another voice also speaked. "Yes, I agree, she has gotten stronger over the years. No one can defeat her. She's too powerful for anyone to handle. That's why she's our teacher." Then, I heard the third voice which I recall was the "mysterious woman's" voice.

"Hey, why are you two watching me when I gave you two an order to follow. Now, get out of here and do your training like I told you to while, I finish jump roping trying to heal my foot......... Since I hit it on a rock."

First person pov

"What!!?? You hit your foot!! Let me see!!!

"Serena!!! Leave our master alone, you see she's busy and she gave us an order now let's go!!"

"Ok!! I apologize for enterupting your training senpai."

Genos pov

I heard them walking towards the door so, I had to hide..... Quickly. I did not really know where to hide because, I needed too be near the door. So, as soon as the door open I stepped behind it as it opened making sure they didn't see me. When they were far away from the door, I put my foot in front of it to make sure it didn't close all the way. At first, I was hoping to see two young girls but, instead I saw......... Two ponies???

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