CHAPTER 3: The Mysterious woman came back!!!

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  The next day, Saitama got up early and started looking for anything that reminds him of that woman. Genos was still sleeping. Saitama looked in his closet, underneath the couch, between the couch pillows, inside the drawers, he even looked inside his cactus plant pot. I mean he looked EVERYWHERE. He was making so much noise, genos woke up with a startle. " Sensei, is everything ok?" Saitama was getting so frustrated he got angry. " Genos! I need you to help me find something. If you find a small box or pictures, give them to me immediately." Surely, genos did what he was told. " Yes, sensei!" So, genos and saitama looked some more. During, their search, saitama went to the balcony to water his cactus. While, he was watering his cactus, saitama looked up and saw a person wearing a black hood cape standing on top of the train tracks looking at him. Genos came out to see what was the problem. "Sensei, is there something wrong?" Then, he saw the mysterious person. "Sensei, who is that?" Saitama was too focused on the mysterious person and was trying to see what the person was wearing. It seems that the person has long flowing hair, red eyes, a swordbelt, and was wearing a..... wait...... is that a samurai outfit? That's when it hit saitama. "That woman!! She was in my dream!!! Genos, stay right here, I'm going to get my suit." So, saitama went to go get his suit.







Arieschild9098: well thanks for reading my story so far hope you enjoyed it because, there shall be more! Let Thou be more chapters!!!

Saitama: you could've at least ended it better.😞

Arieschild9098: saitama......... Shut up before I turn you into humpty dumpty because, you already have the head for the part.😐

Saitama: very funny (-_-)

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