Audrie's 21st Birthday

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On the day of my 21st birthday, I was awoken by someone sitting on my back and hitting my shoulders.
"David Dobrik, get off of me right now."
"No," he laughed. "I think I'll stay here until you wake up." I groaned and opened my eyes. "David, please get off of me." He made himself comfortable on top of me and snatched my pillow out from under my head. "Ow! David!" He laughed and rolled off me. "Happy birthday, sweaty- I mean, gorgeous." He kissed my cheek and I smacked him with one of my throw pillows. "I hate you."
"Aren't you just the brightest ray of light this morning? I love you, Audrie Koshy." I sat up and looked at the grinning boy in front of me. "Remind me why I agreed to spend the night in your house last night?" He wrapped an arm around me and laughed. "Because I'm the sexiest mother fucker you've ever seen and you love me." I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. "Audrie!" I flipped him off and made my way to Alex's room.
"Scootch." Alex groggily moved over and I got under the blanket. "Happy birthday Audrie." I groaned in response and closed my eyes.
"Really, guys?" David's obnoxious voice filled the room and I hid under the blanket. Alex stirred and hid under the blanket with me. "Why is he being extra annoying today?" I shrugged and closed my eyes. "Guys, come on! Audrie, I made pancakes." My eyes shot open and I looked at Alex who was shaking his head. "Don't listen to him, he just wants you to get out of bed and be his victim." I was about to answer when the blanket was thrown off and the sunlight poured into the room. I hissed and groaned and kicked when I felt my body leave the comfort of Alex's mattress.

David carried me to the kitchen where Chiqui was blasting Mexican music and dancing and cooking. "Chiqui?" The adorable woman turned and gasped when she saw me. "Audrie, mijita! Feliz cumpleaños, hija. Como te sientes?(happy birthday.. how do you feel?)" I giggled as she attacked me in a hug. "Gracias, Chiqui, me siento muy bendecido para tener otro año de vida.(thank you, Chiqui. I feel very blessed to be given another year of life.)" Chiqui kissed my cheek and led me to the dining table. David grinned as he followed with his camera and I rolled my eyes sarcastically. "Oh, gee, I wonder what you're doing."
"Well, Audrie Koshy, if you must know, I am vlogging your birthday."
"Is that gonna be your entire next video?"
"Hell yeah! It's gonna be great because your 21st birthday is going to be the bomb."

Chiqui brought a stack of pancakes with a candle on top and a single daisy in a glass vase. She kissed my head and I thanked her for how extra she was. There was a knock on the front door and David grinned before leaving the table. A few moments later, Jason Nash and his two children walked in the room with Scotty, Kristen, and Katie. "Happy birthday, Audrie. I brought a special someone to surprise you," Jason said, grinning like the absolute moron that he acted out to be. "Let me go get them." I laughed as he fled the room with Wyatt close behind him. Kristen and Scotty hugged me and handed me a box. "This is heavy." Scotty chuckled and nodded. "Well, you're our best friend - besides stupid David - and we just wanted to thank you for coming into our lives and for what you will do for our child when it is born." I smiled and set the box down carefully.

I opened the lid to find the most adorable puppy staring at me with wide eyes. I gasped and picked up the sweet little thing and ruffled its fur. "This is probably the most adorable gift I've ever gotten. Thank you, guys!" I hugged them once more and rubbed Kristen's growing stomach. "He is just adorable." David grabbed the dog and set it down. "Happy birthday, Audrie." Katie smiled and pulled me in for a tight hug. I struggled for breath but managed to croak out a thank you before she released me. David excused himself and walked out of the room.

A moment later, Jason came back... dressed as Carmelita, his prostitute character. "Oh, hello, Audrie! Happy birthday you sexy little thing! Now that you are twenty-one, you can go with me to the bar to blow all the men!" I laughed and shook my head. "Carmelita! What a pleasant surprise. No, I will not go blow men with you, I'm with David." Jason/Carmelita huffed in faux annoyance. "Still no fun." I laughed as Carmelita hugged me and walked out of the room. Charlie handed me a bag and I thanked her. "Dad said not to give it to you until after the Carmelita surprise." I giggled and put it on the table.

Everyone walked out of the room while I stayed and finished my pancakes. Katie walked over to the table and sat down in front of me. She stared at me for a good thirty seconds and I started to feel a really weird vibe from her. "Why are you staring at me while I eat my breakfast?" She tapped her nails on the table and hummed. "Well, I'm going to be quite honest with you, I don't like you." I snorted and picked up my plate. "Yeah, I figured." She looked out the window and chuckled. "Don't be smart, Koshy. David won't love you forever. You're just an obstacle." I drank some orange juice and shrugged in confusion. "An obstacle to who?"
"To me."
"What is your goal?"
She laughed bitterly. "Are you really this stupid?"
"No, actually, I just want to hear you say the words."
She glared at me and stood up. "My goal is to get him. To be with him, cherish him. Be the soulmate he knows he needs."
I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Katie, sweetie, you are not his type."
"I beg to differ!"
"Really? I know David doesn't like prostitutes or girls who like to show all their bits and pieces. Which reminds me," I walked over to her and lifted the top of her dress over her exposed cleavage. "This isn't a strip club, and we don't give dollar bills to fifty cent whores."

I walked out of the dining room and joined everyone in the living room. "Hey, babe what are you doing?" David wrapped an arm around me and I snuggled into him. "I was just finishing my breakfast." My dog waddled over to me and let out the tiniest bark known to man. "Hi, baby." I picked him up and cradled him in my arms. "What are you going to name him?" I looked at Scotty and then at David. "Well, since this is mine and David's first child, I guess it's appropriate to name him Clickbait. Click for short." "Or Bait." I glanced over at Jason who was laughing like a mad man. I rolled my eyes as I chuckled and everyone gathered around Clickbait to pet him.

Later that night, the house was full of our friends and a whole lot of alcohol. I grabbed a beer and sipped it while everyone danced to pounding music and vlogged the party. Gabbie, Carly, and Erin all chipped in to get me a new bookshelf and a few books to go with it. Todd bought me condoms and told me to "always be safe," Jason had gotten me a bottle of brown hair dye to make a joke about my age, Zane and Heath got me a black 1975 Challenger from a friend they share and they got rid of the car I already had.

I looked for David who was talking to Katie and had his arm wrapped around her. I felt my heart sink and I walked over to them. "Hey, guys, what's up?" David moved away from Katie and hugged me. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I backed away from him and looked at him in bewilderment. "Why are you sorry David?"
He looked me in the eye, tears springing to his and said, "I slept with Katie."

sorry I suck

footage for the vlogs (d. dobrik) #wattys2017Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt