Best Friends?

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The next morning, I was awakened by rapid knocks on my bedroom door. I groggily got out of bed and went to answer my door. I saw Zane and Heath standing there with breakfast from Chick-Fil-A. "I'm sorry for waking you, here's some breakfast." I sleepily glared at him and took the food. "Thank you, Satan. What do you want?" Heath smiled sheepishly and chuckled. "We were wondering if you'd come over to help us record. We're pranking Toddy and Scotty." I began to eat my hashbrowns and looked the two monsters in the eyes. "Let me change, I'll be right out." The two boys silently cheered and I closed my door in their faces.

I fell asleep in the backseat of their car on the way to their house, considering the fact that I had been rudely awakened at such an ungodly and early time. When we arrived, Heath woke me up and told me to grab one of the bags of flour that were lying on the floor. I grabbed one and made my way inside. Zane ran into Scott's room and set up his phone somewhere and then ran into Todd's room to set up my phone so that they were recording everything. Then he came back to the kitchen, grabbed two pans and grinned childishly at me. "We're gonna wake them up in an uncivilized manner." I grinned and opened up the bag of flour. Heath followed behind with a whistle and we made our way to Scotty's room. Zane counted to three and started banging the pots, Heath blew the whistle, and I poured flour all over Scotty's hair.
"Woah! What the hell guys?! What is the matter with you?!" Zane grabbed my arm and we ran to Toddy's room and did the same thing.

Two minutes later, I sat on their couch holding raw meat to my left eye. "I'm so sorry, Aud, but you know how I value my sleep." I glanced at Todd for a second and then sighed. "It's fine, I was standing too close and getting caught up in the moment. I did enjoy waking you up though." Heath came to the couch with a beer in his hand and gave it to me. "Just tell me when you want that steak cooked," he chortled, unable to contain his childish laughter. I smacked him with the steak and then laid my head back. Zane grabbed his camera and started recording. "All right, everyone, I'd like to introduce you all to Audrie Koshy if you didn't already know her. She has just been initiated into the Vlog Squad by pulling the prank you saw earlier on Scott and Todd. She was hurt in the process and it officially makes her one of us. Congrats, babygirl." He turned the camera on me and I removed the steak from my black eye. "I just want to say how honored I am to have this black eye that was given to me by Todd's right elbow, and this massive headache courtesy of Zane and his wonderful pan banging." Zane laughed and sat down next to me, the camera facing us. "Nah, she knows I love her." He went in to kiss my cheek, but I accidentally moved so he actually kissed my mouth area.
"Oh my God. I'm sorry."
He grinned, "I'm not."
We laughed and continued filming his vlog.

As I was about to climb inside the Uber, Zane and Heath ran after me and hugged me. "So, I'm thinking we should be best friends since we did pretty good on that prank," Heath admitted. I chuckled and looked at both of them before playfully rolling my eyes and exaggerating a sigh. "Well, you do need some greatness in your lives, so, yes, we will be best friends." They cheered and we group hugged once more before I got in the Uber and went back to mine and Liza's place.

When I walked in, Liza got off the phone and looked extremely exasperated. "What's wrong?" I asked out of true curiosity because my sister was not easily irritable. She sighed and grabbed her keys. "It's David. He needs me to pick him up from the apartment because he hasn't gotten his car yet." I looked at her confused.
"I thought you guys were friends?"
"Yeah, friends to an extent. I have wasted so much gas this month because of David freaking Dobrik."
I chuckled lowly.
"What," she looked at me confused.
"You dated him. Didn't you?"
She looked at the floor and then at me. "How'd you figure that out?" I walked to the fridge and grabbed a water. "Well, nobody looks that pissed off when they need to come in clutch for a friend, and you have never cared about how much gas you waste because you have money. Also, you just reek of break up sex." She opened her mouth in shock but I just drank my water. "Fine, yes, David and I dated for a couple months, but we quickly came to terms with the fact that being friends was just better for us." I giggled. "You're a wonderful person Liza Koshy. Nobody's good enough for you." She hugged me and said, "Thank you baby sister. I love you." I smiled and hugged her back. "I love you too." She grabbed her camera and handed it to me. "Let's vlog and drive. It's somewhat safer than texting and driving because you don't always look at the camera, but it's still dangerous." I laughed and walked out of the apartment.

We arrived at an apartment building ten minutes later and rode the elevator up to the floor where this David Dobrik would be. Once we reached the door, Liza knocked and an incredibly skinny boy with blonde hair opened the door. "Oh, hey Liza. Who's this?" He winked at me and I blushed. "I'm Audrie, Liza's sister." The boy's smile widened. "A Koshy. Even better. I'm Durte Dom, but you can stick with Dom." I shook his hand and Liza pushed past him. "David!" A voice responded with, "What?!" A boy with dirty blonde hair and a bunny appeared and smiled at Liza and me. "Hey, Liza." He turned to me and stuck his hand out. "I'm Alex." I smiled and shook it. "Audrie Koshy." His reaction was similar to Dom's, but was cut off by a boy with shaggy dark hair and black clothes. He looked at me and gave me a lopsided grin.
"Hi, I'm David. David Dobrik."

footage for the vlogs (d. dobrik) #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now