Sad Day

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Two weeks after my birthday, things were rocky between David and me. I spent hours crying in my apartment, watching Gilmore Girls, wallowing, not going outside. Liza and Alex visited a lot during the first week, but I couldn't bring myself to submit to their pleadings of trying to get me to leave the apartment.

I was through the episode where Luke and Lorelai shared their first kiss when Alex barged into my apartment with David and said, "Fix it, now," and walked out. I turned off the television and sat up. "Audr-"
"Save it," I whispered.
"You don't think we should fix this?"
I let out a bitter chuckle. "What is there to fix, David? You slept with her! That's not something you put a bandaid on and forget about! I'm sorry I actually value my body and morals, and I'm sorry that you have no respect for that!"
"Oh don't act so innocent, Audrie, I'm not the one who antagonized my best friend."
I stood up from the couch and walked up to him. "She told me she wanted you! She told me she was going to get you! I just can't believe how easy it was for her! How fucking horny are you that you couldn't respect me long enough to wait for me to be ready?"
"I'm a man! I have fucking needs, Audrie! You couldn't fulfill them, so someone else did!"

The words stung my heart and I fell silent, my throat closing and holding the words I wanted to say hostage. "That was a low blow, David. We're done."

He was halfway out the door when he yelled, "Good riddance!"

I threw a pillow at the door in frustration and screamed at the emptiness. I felt my heart crumble in my chest and curled up in a ball as the tears flowed. Clickbait whimpered and licked my hands that were covering my face. I looked at my adorable little puppy and picked him up.

Alex showed up half an hour later with a tub of ice cream and The Breakfast Club. He sat next to me and handed me a spoon. I took it with a small smile and allowed him to play the movie. I cuddled into him and ate my ice cream. "I don't deserve a friend like you, Alex." He paused the movie and looked at me. "Why not?"

"I'm a pretty horrible person. I'm harsh and I don't know how to properly treat my friends."

"Don't say that. You're a wonderful person with a beautiful soul. You just don't know how to exercise that beauty sometimes. David is the one who doesn't deserve you. You're pure and he's... himself. I gave him the benefit of the doubt when he met you, but, in the end, he messed up the best thing to ever happen to him."

I sniffled and looked at Alex. I got up and rolled my suitcases and boxes into the living room and suppressed my tears. "Alex, I'm leaving tomorrow."

Alex shot up and rushed over to me. "No, Audrie, you can't leave just because of him!"
I turned away as I started crying again. "It's not just because of him. It's because of Liza and my family and I just have to go. I'm going to New York."

Alex hugged me as we both cried, my heart breaking more than his did.

footage for the vlogs (d. dobrik) #wattys2017Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt