Chapter 30

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[Vic's pov]

It's the first day again only this is the last year I'm going to be at Hogwarts. Mike is a sixth year as well as Kellin and me and my friends are seventh years, where has the time gone.

The summer was definitely interesting. When Kellin was here for the two weeks after classes ended, I loved having him around a little longer and showing him around. He was so excited by everything pretty much, we don't have a spare room in our house, so he stayed with me in my room, which was completely fine with us. He loved it, he told me so many times. But he eventually had to leave it was hard to let him go for about a month. That's the longest we're apart since we started, he did always send me a letter every couple of days. I sent back letters to him back as well. He doesn't know anything about technology, and when I showed it to him he was thrilled but it was strange to him. But I had to explain to him that muggles don't have the magic that we have so they invented things to help them. He was fascinated.

But I'm definitely excited to be going back to Hogwarts so we can be together again. What's going to happen after this year when Kellin still has another year. I don't know, we'll see how this year goes first, but I have a feeling that we'll be together for a long time. Regardless of Kellin's parents not approving of me being muggle born, I can't help that, so they'll just have to get over it.

But Mike and I are walking around Diagon Alley again. It's sad that this is that last time for myself. But I have to find Kellin, I know he's around somewhere. We found Jaime and Lynn, while we were walking round. I've been trying to think of a place where I might find Kellin. 

"Hey let's stop in Borgan & Burkes I need a new book for the train ride" Lynn says.

"That's it, yes, let's go, Kellin's got to be in there" I say and I speed there.

How could I not think of that Kellin loves books and learning in general, so of course he'd be in the book shop. I get in there and I look around now it's not a big place so there's only so many places he could be in here. That is until I see that mop of ebony hair that I love so much. He wasn't paying attention he had his nose in a book, of course. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around him and he jumped and then he noticed that it was me. He got so excited to see me.

"Vic!" He squeals. Then he kisses me, I obviously kiss back.  It's been about a month since we've been able to do that. So I'll take every opportunity I can.

"Hello love, I missed you so much" I say to him. I still had my arms around him.

"I missed you so much too Vic, but how did you know where I was?" He asks me. 

"I know you love books Kels" I say. He blushes.

"Are you going to get this book?" I ask him. He nods.

"Well lets go it's almost eleven and the train is going to be leaving soon" I say.

"Wait Vic I'll meet you there, cause my parents are here too and I don't want a repeat of that happened last time" he says.

"I don't care if there's a repeat, I just want to stay with you" I say. And I kiss is cheek.

"I appreciate it Vic, but really I'll meet you there, my parents are really. . ."

"Alright if it'll make you more comfortable then fine" I say.

"I love you Vic, you're the best you know that" he says to me.

"You're the best Kellin, I love you too" he says.

"Ok love I'll meet you on the train" he tells me.

"Ok I'll be waiting" I say to him.

"Kellin!" He hears his mother say. Almost yell for him.

"Oh it's you again" his father says. Almost like it was venom.

"Relax, I'm out of here" I say holding my arms up in defense. They glare at me.

"Kellin I'll see you on the train" I say taping his nose and then I pecked his lips in front of his parents just to piss them off.

"Mr and Mrs Bostwick" I say and I walk away.

I really don't care what his parents believe is right, I know we love each other and that's all that should and does matter.

I meet up with Mike, Jaime and Lynn again and we go to the platform again, and we get on and sit in one of the corridors and I wait impatiently for Kellin to get here. Jaime and Lynn tell us all about their summers.

Jaime went on holiday to the states and he found out that there's a wizard school there but he said that it was a weird experience. It's cool to hear about and then Lynn tells us about her summer about how she stayed home the whole time with her parents that argued a lot and then her sister is getting transferred to Hogwarts this year, she went to Beaubatons in southern France, but is now coming here, she's going to be a fourth year. Lynn doesn't talk about her much. Mike was telling them about our summer. When I heard the door open and I saw Kellin smiling at me.

He came in and sat next to me. He kissed me after he sat down.

"Ugh, could you two not suck face now, it's bad enough I had to deal with it for two weeks this summer and then hear things I didn't want too" Mike complained.

Kellin blushed looked and away embarrassed. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Shut up Mike you're just jealous, don't listen to him Kellin" I say.

"Don't worry Vic" then he smirks and kisses me again just to annoy Mike.

"Ugh" Mike sighs.

"Oh, lighten up Mike, don't worry we'll get you a girlfriend this year" I tell him. I just sighs and looks out the window and and talks to Jaime.

Kellin decides to lie down and like he did last time. We have a small conversation about what happened after he left to go home. He told me how his parents were mad that he took off like that. He told them everything that happened with Oliver and why they broke up and that leading to me and him. He parents understand and accept it, but still don't like it. But that's all I can ask for right. The acceptance.

So the train eventually go to Hogwarts and the start of my seventh and final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is on its way. But I have the best people and batch of wizards around me this year. Let's go. I'm so ready to tackle the year with Kellin and all my friends by my side.




The End.


The end. The story is finished I started this al the way back in March. So it's been a long time coming for the end of this. I'm so thankful for everyone whose read and stuck with the story since he beginning, I know it took a long time to get to this point. I hope you all like the ending, sorry it kind of sucks, I like the ending but don't at the same time, plus I changed it from what I had. So thanks again. I'll miss writing this. Even though it was annoying towards the end. But regardless this one of my favorites that I've wrote. I'll miss the characters and the story. So omg going to say that's all and hope you all stick around for any future stories. Stay awesome =)

Vic Fuentes and the Boy from Slytherin - KellicWhere stories live. Discover now