Rugged Attire |Gladiolus x Reader|

Start from the beginning

"Glad to have a chance to stretch my legs." Gladio responds, putting away his book.

Yes, a chance to get out of this car. I hope I didn't seem too obvious about my crush.

I step out of the car and stretch. Only realizing now how much I needed to.

"Did staying in the car all day help with your soreness?" Gladio questions me.

I look at his face and make the mistake of looking into his beautiful brown eyes and find myself speechless.


"Oh yeah, s-sorry. Yeah I'm f-fine." I stutter, a feel my cheeks get hot and hope the darkness can conceal my blush.

"I'm glad then, you should be ready for battle in the morning. And besides, if you're not, we still have a bit of a drive to Galdin.

I nod in response, not being able to do much else.

We all head to the Crow's Nest to eat dinner.

"I'm so hungry it feels like there's a hole in my tummy." Prompto whines, walking slowly, far behind us.

"Then walk faster so we can get there sooner." I reply, laughing.

"Good point." He responds, picking up his pace.

"Welcome to the Crow's Nest, what can I get for ya?" The waiter asks, holding her notepad ready.

"5 Kenny's Salmons please." Ignis answers putting down the menu he was just reading.

She finishes writing our order down and walks away.

She returns shortly with our meals. "Enjoy!" She says, before walking away to help another customer.

We start eating our meals. No one talks for what seems like forever. I'd start a conversation but I don't want to start blushing again.

"So are you going to wear no shirt forever or...?" Prompto asks, breaking the silence. Asking the question that was on everyone's minds.

"Nah, just today. I really like my jacket. Besides, being shirtless isn't as fun as it seems."

I exhale in relief before catching myself and pretending to cough.

Everyone looks at me strangely before going back to their meals.

I feel my cheeks heat up again. Great, just what I need.


When we finish our food, Ignis books a few hotel rooms and we go inside one. We always hang out a bit before going to sleep.

When it's finally time to sleep, I head for my room.

I then decide I wanted to spend a bit of time outside first, and head to a bench near the motel, hoping I could gather my thoughts.

"Mind if I sit here?" A familiar voice questions.


"No, not at all Gladio." I say, making room for him.

We sit in silence for a while, none of us saying a word.

"So (y/n), you've been acting pretty strange today. Are you weirded out because I wore no shirt?"

"N-no, of course not." I respond, blushing for what felt like the millionth time today.

"Then what is it. You've been acting like a teenager with a crush all day." He says laughing slightly to lighten the mood.

I freeze. Petrified. Not being able to say a word.

"Wait, (y/n), do you have crush on me?" He asks, realization dawning on him about why I'd been acting strangely all day.

"I-I, um I," I stutter, completely mortified, taking a large interest in my shoes.

"So you like me." He says, more telling than asking.

"Um, I-I guess so..." I say, my blush deepening as I looked down at my hands.

"Well what a strange coincidence, I like you too."

"You-you do?" I question finally looking up into his eyes.

"Yeah, I have for a long time now. Although I'm surprised you haven't noticed, I've made it pretty obvious at times." He says chuckling.

I then recall all the times he would do kind things for me. Giving me special treatment at times. Prompto has even whined about it sometimes, always earning a stern glance from Gladio.

I smile, knowing my feelings are returned.

He then grabs my chin gently and presses his soft lips against mine. He kisses me passionately and I kiss back. Equally as passionate.

We have to stop too soon when breathing becomes necessity.

We both pant heavily from the lack of air. I still can't believe what just happened.

"I love you Gladio!" I say smiling happily.

"I love you too." Gladio says before locking his lips with mine again. Kissing me as passionately as before. Our lips lock together like two pieces of a puzzle. As if they were made for each other.

I kiss back, never wanting this moment to end.

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