Puppy Dog Part II |Inu Prompto x Reader|

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(A/n) CoffeeSipper requested a part two for Puppy Dog (Prompto) because come on, who doesn't love Prompto with dog ears and a tail? Art above not mine.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Prompto, I told you to stay calm. They are not going to hate you because you are part dog-"

"Yes they are! Have you ever even heard of a dog person?!" Prompto asks, scratching nervously at his hat where his golden retriever ears are concealed.

"But they're our friends. I'm sure they'll be fine with this."

"But what if they're not?! Maybe I should just not tell them at all... yeah, that will work," he says, perking up a bit.

"No Prompto. We're going to tell them."

"But why?" He asks sadly, I can practically see his ears droop from inside his hat.

"Because it's better we tell them instead of them finding out of their own, right?"

He grumbles slightly before nodding in agreement.

"Then come on. We said we'd meet them in Lestallum's parking lot five minutes ago!"

"Ah! I forgot!"

We quickly grab our things and run out of the hotel room, towards the parking lot.


"Ah (Y/n), Prompto, glad to see you have finally arrived." Ignis says, sarcasm and annoyance lacing his voice.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Kind of got distracted." I looked to the side to see Prompto fidgeting nervously.

'You're going to give it away! Quit acting so nervous!'

"It's alright. So how was your weekend alone?" Gladio asks.

"It was fun. Right Prompto?"

"Y-yeah. Totally. Nothing super weird happened at all."


"Ok then, I'm glad you two had fun, but could you tell us in the Regalia? We need to head to the Vesperpool for our next hunt," Noctis says, walking towards the car.

We all got in, with me being squished in the middle of Noctis and Gladio. It's uncomfortable, but at least Prompto doesn't have to be squished here. All his fidgeting would be very noticeable then.

"So what did you guys do?" Noctis asks.

"Um, nothing much. We just walked around mostly-"

"So what do you guys think about dogs? Like, your completely honest opinion?" Prompto interrupts, changing the subject completely.

'Smooth Prompto. Smooth.'

"What?" Gladio asks, clearly confused.

"What do you think about dogs?" He says again, his tone giving away his worry.

"Dogs are cool." Noctis responds nonchalantly.

"I like dogs." Gladio says.

"What about you Iggy?" Prompto asks.

'I get that you're nervous but seriously Prompto. Stop. Talking.'

"I don't mind dogs. Why do you ask? You didn't adopt one without our consent, did you?"

"N-no of course not! I was just wondering..."


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