May 20th 2017

"What do you mean 'free promotion'? It's not going to help them!" Woojin nearly shouted, the stout CEO pulling his suit to stay more snug on him.

"Kaito's 'scandal' got everyone's attention. We've gotten a lot more coverage for them than we could have without it." he said. "He didn't need to address it."

Woojin was only becoming more aggravated. "It caused Music Trophy to drop their promotions! Scandals are scandals - leaving them sitting isn't going to help anyone!"

The CEO suddenly had an expression of important realization, yet Woojin didn't expect anything intelligent to come from his mouth. "You see, Kaito's situation was a rumor, like he said. He didn't have to prove anything."

Woojin internally rolled his eyes, wanting to replay the tapes and show his boss that seconds ago he had called Kaito's problem a scandal. "Even if Kaito and Wonho was a rumor, it's not over. Music Trophy isn't going to change unless it's cleared up. Taeyang and I... it's not just a rumor. It's got evidence."

"The V Live is gone, let the rumor play out. It's not like you haven't gone through worse, F.O.X." the CEO shrugged, obviously eager to leave the conversation.

"Are you even listening to me?" Woojin whispered to himself, the CEO walking away with a simple wave.

"I don't care if I've gone through worse, Taeyang hasn't." Woojin called after the CEO. When he showed no reaction in his step, Woojin added, "They're just rookies, Seojun hyung."

There was a falter in the older's step and he finally turned back around. "F.O.X, if you go on 'Behind The Idol' today and talk about the scandal - whether you defend the kid or make it worse - you're only proving me right."

And with the statement, the CEO walked away, Woojin stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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