Chapter 36: Weddings lead your mind down a certain path

Start from the beginning

Wedding made me emotional, and Nate knew this better than anyone because he'd always been right there next to me. The ceremony was absolutely beautiful and Sabrina looked so stunning walking down the aisle, even if my favourite part was watching both Sabrina and Max's faces. Their eyes were locked the whole way and it seemed like neither of them blinked the whole time as that split second of separation would be too much to bear in the situation.

I had to blink away silent tears more than once and I just watched the whole thing captivated. I wasn't extremely religious, which was another reason why getting married in a church felt a bit weird, but I couldn't deny that it was a beautiful thing to watch.

It took the first few hours of the reception before my heart finally calmed down and begun to beat regularly. The food was divine but I could hardly stomach anything out of sheer anticipation. Just as I had found my footing, Nate looked over and squeezed my hand before standing up to give his speech.

He beat his knife against the glass with a little too much force and I reached out to stop his movements before he actually shattered the no doubt expensive glass. Nate shot me a smile and cleared his throat as he put the glass back down. He didn't have any notes with him but I knew he'd thought long and hard about his speech, even if he wanted to speak more freely rather than sticking to a script.

"Sabrina, I never thought I'd see the day," Nate started off and his voice was teasing and he had a glint in his eye. His sister glared at him in that pissed-off but still fond way only a sibling could. "Between all the boys you had chasing you, I never really thought what would happen when this day would come."

"Nate," she practically growled.

"Sorry," he said with a smirk that completely contradicted his apology. "But do let me get to my point, dear sister. You have always been a very beautiful woman and as your poor little brother I can't even tell you how many boys came up to me and tried to get to you through me. All of my friends had a crush on you, even with the age difference. I told all of them to bugger off. But you still found a lot of different boys infatuated with you in your teens and early twenties."

Max was smiling fondly, even as Nate chose to bring up past boyfriends. I knew Max loved Nate dearly and he was probably willing to put up with this in the hopes that Nate reached a sensible point at the end.

"A lot of people tell me that my sister and I are very alike. We both like to meet new people and make friends. We love getting to know someone and establish a connection. What many don't realise is that despite our willingness to talk rather freely with almost strangers, we don't often let a lot of people all the way in. We are the types of that have so many friends, even good friends but to actually get to into our centre where every vulnerability is laid bare... there's only very few people that make it in there. I remember when I first heard about this new boy Sabrina started dating and I have to admit, Max, I made fun of your name for about ten minutes straight. I always loved to tease Sabrina about her boyfriends."

I felt like I was melting while listening to Nate's speech and my eyes were already starting to tear up. I knew what Nate meant about that guardedness. When we first started dating, I thought he could make best friend with everybody and talk about everything, especially because he was always vlogging very honestly. Then I learnt that he hid away the most difficult things from most people, even his good friends. He hardly ever let anyone see him cry or breakdown or worry but he'd let me that close, as I had done with him.

"You're forgiven, Nate," Max said.

"Thanks, mate, but what was more extraordinary about you was the fact that we actually got to meet you eventually. You see, Sabrina liked to keep her boyfriends separate from our family for various reasons but one Christmas, there was that Max character she'd been dating for like a year. When I met you, I desperately wanted to make fun of you in person too, Max, but I just didn't have it in me. It wasn't like I hadn't noticed the fondness in Sabrina's eyes when she was talking about you or the fact that you'd lasted past the first few months. But actually seeing the way the two of you looked at each other felt like a sucker punch to the gut. I was so happy for my sister because I realised that you'd managed to melt away all her amour and I knew how many fights with my fiery sister that must have taken to accomplish. So I don't find myself surprised that three and a half years later, we're sitting here at your wedding. Let's raise a glass to the bride and groom!"

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