Sam and Esme: Ymbryne (pre-books)

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(Not my drawing ^)
Here's the chapter requested by @MaddieThePurpleCat I hope you like it! :)


Sam's POV

I was walking Esme home from school one day. We lived in our home in London, but our parents were gone. Our mother had passed away and our father was out, fighting in the war. We had been sent to our aunts house only to find out she had room and patience for only one kid. We quickly left that place.

Esme rambled on about her day at school and something she had learned in history class. I looked down at her. She was holding my hand, skipping along the pavement, being adorable and happy. She hadn't a worry in the world. Oh how I wished I could've been like that.

I smiled at her. I love her so much. I didn't think she'd even know how much. She was the only person in my life that mattered, and I knew I had to protect her.

When we reached our home, I unlocked the door and Esme ran right in. I laughed and closed the door behind myself. Esme walked into the kitchen and I followed her.

"Hey, Sam?" She asked me.

"Yes?" I replied, beginning to arrange her a snack.

She was silent for a moment, the spoke in a small, fragile voice, "Will you ever be taken away from me?" She asked.

I looked over, seeing her big, innocent, tear-filled eyes looking up at me.

"What?! No! Why would ask such a thing?" I asked, kneeling down and hugging her. She cried into my shoulder, "M-Mama was t-taken by the a-angels... and p-papa was taken b-by other m-men," She said through sobs.

"That's exactly why I'll never ever even think of leaving you," I whispered, hugging her tighter, "Plus, I love you to pieces," I said, pulling away and booping her nose. She giggled, then I kissed her forehead. She smiled warmly.

The doorbell rang after that.

"I'll get that. Stay here and eat your snack," I told her, walking out of the kitchen and to the front door.

I opened the door to see a lady standing there, "Hello, I am Miss Crow, I understand that you have a special ability and I want to take you to a home to live with other kids like you. You will be safer there," She told me.

She had come to see me about my healing ability.

"Umm, can my sister come too?" I asked her, looking back at the kitchen.

"If she doesn't have a special ability then she can't. I'm sorry," she replied softly.

"I'm not going then. I can't leave her," I told the lady.

"Are you sure?"

I looked back at her, "I'm the only family she has left, and she's my only family left," I told the lady, and she nodded.

"Be careful, then. It's a dangerous world," she warned me.

"I know, and that's why I'm not going. I'm not going to leave my little sister here to die." I said bitterly.

"Okay then Miss, then I will be on my way." Miss Crow said.

I nodded and closed the door. I noticed Esme peeked around the corner, You're going away??" She asked, Beginning to cry again.

"No! Esme I told her that I'm never leaving you."

I ran over to her and hugged her tightly.

"Trust me. I'm not leaving you," I told her.

"Promise?" She asked.

I smiled, kissing her nose, "Promise"


The End! Next will be book Enoch and Olive then after that more movie Fugh!! Stay Peculiar friends!!

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