She's not ugly...

Start from the beginning

Celeste and Elizabeth take their hands back, fast. We take a sharp right turn, walking to the parking lot.

"It's just that you guy's were a cute couple, you went our for a pretty long time." Celeste goes on making air quotes.

Elizabeth nods in agreement.

"Honestly I was starting to get sick of him, always trying to get my pants." I stated.

"It was bound to happen." Yet, Eric's surprisingly cute cocky grin and sad dark eyes flash before my mind.

But those nice things came with possessiveness and, dirty kisses since he smoked, his party animal façad, and what we had didn't feel real, it like it was just me treating it like one and him playing the part.

I was just tired answering for both us. People would ask him "Hey Eric you going to the party this (pick a day of the week)?" And all he would do is tilt his head towards me.

Aren't relationships supposed to be a two people thing?

Celeste and Elizabeth waved goodbye as we walked our separate ways. I looked over my shoulder in acknowledgement not in the mood to humor them.

Hitting the gas pedal I sped off into the sunset, then took a right.

Parking my black Mustang in the garage, I walked into the house by the porch door.


When there is no response I take off my leather jacket and place it on a hook by the door.

"Dad?" I say a bit louder while I walk into the little passage way, how come he's not answering? He's always home at this time. I get a sinking feeling. The same feeling I got when mom-

"DAD!" I don't notice, but I'm scrambling, tossing the bathroom door open, his office door, my bedroom door, still no sign of him I hesitate before opening his (and mom's used to be bedroom door.) the door squeak uneasily at not being used.

His golden like brown eyes got wide as he turned towards me, a nice dark blue, button down dress shirt in his hand. As I stood in the doorway. I stared at the blue shirt it reminds me-

I let out a breath, "You're okay." I say flushed.

He looks at me smiling slightly, then looks down, in an ashamed manner. Letting his brown hair fall, making his complexion look young.

"Caitlin you might not like what I'm about to tell you..."

He sat on the white sheets over the king size bed.

I bit my lip.

"What is it?" I replied. Sitting next to him.

"I'm getting married with Michelle. We will move in with her and her daughter in about a month."

"What?!" He gives me a sorry look as I press my mouth in a thin line, out of nowhere he decidedly things by himself ugh.

"But you said you liked, Michelle-" he started, but I cut him off.

"I do like Michelle, and I'm happy you guys are finally getting married, but you never told me she had a daughter! This is too sudden Dad!"

I pace around the room, rubbing my cheeks.

"I- It's just- We thought-" I cut him off once more.

"What's her name?" I imagine a cute blonde with soft happy green eyes, maybe this won't be that b-

"Her name is Clementine, she's sixteen." He answered, looking down.

A little older than I had imagined- I freeze, Clementine?

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