Chapter 2

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I woke up on something soft and warm, I tried to shift to move but something was wrapped around my waist. I tiredly opened my eyes to be met with a clear tan chest, my heart rate quickened as I scrambled to get out of the tight grip. I finally got out of the grip only leading me to fall off the bed and onto the floor. " What happened? Are you okay?" A deep voice asked as quick footsteps made its way over to me. I looked up to see the king, kneeling in front of me.

I moved quickly backward against the wall and cradled myself in a ball, protecting my head in case I was hit. "Hey, Hey" The voice was now soft and caring, I looked up and the king was sitting down. His crystal blue eyes filled with sadness, " I'm not going to hurt you, I don't know what they did at your old pack but it won't happen here. " His voice held promise. I nodded my head as I slowly uncoiled myself from my ball.

Memories from last night flooded my mind and tears pooled my eyes. A pair of arms were quickly wrapped around me pulling me into a chest softly. The smell of pine and apple invaded my senses and tingles shot up my skin where ever he touched me. " How about you take a shower and we get to know each other?" He asked softly pulling back to look at me in the eyes.

I nodded and gave a small smile, standing up waiting for the king to stand as well. " The bathroom is over there, I'll get some of my sister's clothes for you to change into " He kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. Walking to the bathroom and turning on the water, I stripped from last night's clothes and jumped into the shower. Letting the water wash over all my cuts and bruises across my back. Slowly turning around to let the water wash the dried blood off of my stomach. I winced as they touched the somewhat opened wounds.

I looked around for shampoo, conditioner, and body washes for women but only found men. I quickly placed it onto my hand and washed my hair and body being careful about cuts and bruises across my body. I turned off the water and stepped out wrapping a towel around my body. "Aqua?" I asked "Hmm?" she responded, " have you tried to heal the scars and bruises?" I heard her sigh " I can't do that, I'm too weak, But our mate can. He's the king, he can heal us faster even if we aren't mated yet let alone marked."

I nodded and walked out of the bathroom, to see a pile of clothes on the bed, I rushed forward and grabbed them making my way back into the bathroom. I dropped the towel and pulled on the new pair of underwear and black leggings, and one of the king's shirts. I put my hair in a fish braid and walked out of the bathroom.

I saw the king sitting on the bed in basketball shorts and no shirt, showing off his clean tan chest and 8 pack. " You done staring, love?" he asked looking up at me, the blood rushed to my chest and I looked down at my feet. " It's okay love, you can stare all you want, cause this is all yours," he said making me blush more. He laughed and told me to come sit down.

" So tell me about yourself," he said I fidgeted with the hem of the shirt and bit my lip, making a writing motion he quickly pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. " My names Sky Jones, I'm 19, my parent's names were Samantha Jones and Kyle Jones. my favorite color is cobalt blue, and my wolf's name is Aqua." I wrote the last part shakily as he read over my shoulder. "Sky," my name rolled off his tongue perfectly and he smiled " What a perfect name for a perfect girl," he said kissing my cheek.

I blushed, " What about you?" I wrote. " My name is Blake Westmoon, Alpha king, but you can call me Blake. I'm 22, my favorite color is black and gold, my parent's names are Michal westmoon and Sarah westmoon. I have two younger siblings. My sister, Clair westmoon, moved to a different pack with her mate and she is 18. My younger brother is Zan Westmoon, and he is 6. I know giant age gap but he was taken in when his parents were killed by roughs so we adopted him," My heart clenched at this poor boys story.

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