Chasefield/Victoria x Max (lis)

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A/N: Some angst, followed by fluff.
AU: After sacrificing Chloe
TW: Death(murder), depression

I'm standing in my dorm and think about Chloe. It's been 3 months. She's dead because I decided to save the town. I feel so bad about it , and that isn't only because of Chloe's death, it's also about Nathan, Joyce and David. Nathan didn't kill her because he wanted to, he's sick and needs help. And Joyce and David are still mourning her, which I completely understand.

*knock knock*
'Who could it possibly be?'
I walk to the door and open it.
I see Victoria standing in front of me.
She looks nervous. "Hey" I say, looking
at her cute face. I've had a crush on her for some time, but I've been too scared to tell her. "H-hey" she stutters, blushing. "Can I come in?" She asks. "Yeah sure, come in" I say, still staring at her drop dead gorgeous face.

I step aside and she walks in. "You really should fashion this place up sometime" she says with her usual bitchyness, sitting down on my bed. "I should?" I ask, doubting myself, while sitting down next to her. "Yeah, I could help you with that tho" she answers, surprising me. "Really?" I say, surprised by her sudden kindness. "Yeah I will, but I didn't come here for that. How are you doing Max? cause I'm sure it's hard for you that your former best friend got shot, right in front of you" she says, staring into my eyes with her perfect green eyes. "W-well i-it ha-has been-n har-rd bu-ut it-t's get-tting bet-tter" I manage to stutter, blushing because of her face being so close to mine and feeling sad because of Chloe.

I look down, trying to focus on my bed. "Look Max, I know I haven't been the nicest and I'm a pain in the ass to be around and I always make fun of you, but I want you to know I'll be there for you if you ever need me" she rants, now also looking down. I look at her short blond locks. "Thank you" I say. "And I don't think you're a pain in the ass" I murmur, blushing really bad.

She looks up confused, staring into my blue eyes. Then she leans in, I feel my heart bumping in my chest and feel like I'm gonna explode. I lean in the last bit. Our lips touch each other and I hear fireworks in the back of my head. I put my hands on my waist. She places her hands on my face and neck. Even tho didn't want it to end, we eventually break the kiss, gasping for air. "I like you" I whisper, feeling like my head is going to explode. "I like you too" she says, smiling and blushing. I lean my forehead against hers, smiling.

I loved Chloe with all my heart(and I still do), but I needed to move on. She is dead, in heaven, with Rachel and William(and Bongo). Victoria is perfect and I love her so much. She's the one for me.

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