Chapter Five, Part Three: Hello Old Friends, We Meet Again

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"Wait, so you're really gluten intolerant?"

Once again I nodded my head at the Singers repeated question. "I think so. It makes the most sense. Both my dad and brother are."

"That fucking sucks dude." Her pink hair gleamed as she leaned back against the oak tree.

The two of us settled beneath it's branches after running into one another in the Diner this morning. It was a good thing we did because while I was rather good at figuring things out, if Saori hadn't showed up when she did, the coffee machine would probably be no more.

She rested her head against the strange bark, watching the leaves above. As a comfortable quiet overcame the two of us, I began to realize that while I had spent a good amount of time with Saori, I didn't really know much about her. Well...remember anything about her. But that aside, she never really felt like a stranger. It was easy to be comfortable in her presence and for some reason I felt like I could trust her.

"Hey Hon'yomi?"

I glanced at her again. "Yeah?"

"What made you like poetry?" Her blue eyes regarded me with question.

I twisted my face into an expression of thought and looked at the cup of coffee in my hands. "Well...I don't know really." I sifted through old thoughts trying to find the start of my Ultimate. "I was nine I think." I squinted at the leaves. "Two weeks. It was the longest I had been away from home. I had been invited to go with family friends to a tropical island. I've never really been one to get homesick but on the last night I remember staring off at the mountain when it came to me."

Saori leaned forward. "What did?" She frowned.

"Oh." I shook my head. "My first poem." I smiled at the memory. "It almost required no thought, like it wrote itself. Ever since I've just loved it."

Saori shook her head. "I never had much patience for poetry." She admitted truthfully.

I grinned, "But aren't songs just poems with music?"

"Well yes, but- I'm singing it not like, analyzing it."

I laughed loudly at that. "What too much Shakespeare in English class?"

"God yes." She sighed, rolling her eyes.

Still smiling I nodded. "He can be too much for me too. Hey." I sat up straighter, crossing my legs. "How many of his plays do you think Toshiro has been in?"

Saori groaned. "Oh no..." She threw an arm over her face. "Let's not ask him, he might start spewing monologues!"

"Maybe if I ask him he can follow you around quoting Romeo and Juliet."

"Don't you dare!" She shouted, but she was laughing. "I will personally drop kick him off the roof!"

But I shook my head grinning, "No you won't, you won't even climb up there!"

Saori huffed, "I'm sorry if I don't care for heights!" Her voice rose a few octives higher, her dramatic protest sending me into more laughter. I fell back on the grass giggling.

"Aw shit..." The Singer suddenly mumbled.

I tilted my head to see her. "What?"

She pouted, looking down forlornly at something I couldn't see from my angle. "I spilled my coffee." Saori glanced up, meeting my eyes. For half a second it was silent until the two of us exploded into senseless laughter.

"You spent-" I tried to catch my breath between laughs. "You s-spent sooo much time...fixing the machine!"

"I knooow!" She lamented before falling into laughter again.

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