She knows nothing of him! She has no idea what he has done in the past! I can't believe her! I love her and she just forgot all about me! As soon as she called me Pan I had realized what happen.

They told her. Felix and Sebastian told my pure little dove EVERYTHING! I am not this super-star, misunderstood child. I do have a dark past. One in which I never wanted to tell Melody, in fear that she would have ran away.

I am a murderer.

I have murdered more souls than I would like to admit. I hate myself everyday because of it. It wasn't until Melody, that I had found hope with redemption. She was my redemption. 

Tears flooded out of my eyes as I truly took in what had just happened. She had saved Sebastian's life. She used so much magic just to bring a horrid soul back into exsistance. What a naive move Melody. As much as I want to hate her, hate the things she has done, I can't. I am heartbroken.

I saw how devisted she was when she saw his body, and how joyful her eyes lit up when she had revived him. My heart dropped when her hand made contact to my face. I thought she loved me. I thought that we would make it until the end. Always and Forever.

I lust for her soft lips, but they are on a creature's. Her purity is slowly began to be ripped away the longer she kisses a dark soul.

Melody's POV

He pulled me on top of him as we broke the kiss. His messy hair layed perfectly on the hard marble ground. I put my head on his chest and he interlocked our fingers. With his other hand, Sebastian pulled a strand on hair and placed it behind my ear. He left his hand cupping my left cheek and drew light circles on my cheek with his thumb.

"Melody," He whispered. I looked at him with my eyes full of wonder. "You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that." He kissed the tip of my nose and I snuggled closer to him. "We might what to get up and make sure that Pan hasn't killed Felix or Kiara."

PAN! He lefted! Not that I am too upset over the chance of Felix or Kiara being brutally murdered, but he is out there in the wild stalking his prey. I pounced off of Sebastian so fast that I saw a couple of black dots from the small amount of blood.

"Easy, little cub," Sebastain cooed getting on his feet. "I will protect you with my life. There is no need to rush." Sebastian wrapped one of his arms around my waist and guided me upstairs. 

A trail of destructive obects led up to one of the rooms. It must be Pan, either that or Felix is going off at Kiara. Sebastian placed his pointer finger on his lips telling me silently to be quite. I nodded in understandment. 

Sebastian creeked open the door. There Pan sat looking out the window with his back facing us. Sebastian pushed the door out farther so that we could both easily get through. Pan seems deaf. After all the creeks from the floorboard and door, he remained unphased, staring out the window into the sunrise.

"Pan!" Sebastian called. WHAT WAS HE DOING? I clung to Sebastian. 

Peter whipped his head around and his eyes were redden and glassy with tears. He saw how closely I was embracing Sebastian and he dropped to his knees. 

"Kill me," Pan commanded.

"What?" Sebastian responed.

"I said Kill Me! Can't you hear me! No life is worth living without that girl who is clinging so tightly to your side. You seemed to have stolen her heart. I ask of you to keep her happy. That is my only request," Pan pleed.

"Since when did you give a damn about my happiness?" I screamed.

"Ever since the first time i ever layed eyes on you Mel. When we fought for your freedom from Ursela. Remember when we spent the night on the shore on Neverland and I first told you that I loved you. Mel,  I love you more than anyone has loved anything. You are my heart, my soul, my reason. I can see now that your heart has found another. I love you my princess. Even death can't change that. I will love you even when my name is forgotten." 

"Peter?" A flood of memories, true memories flashed into my mind. The tree in the middle of the island. The way he wrapped his lean arm around my body as we slept. Everything. I love him. I ripped myself away from Sebastian and had the longest second of my life. I rushed to Peter using every bit of speed I had.

Once I got over to him I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his familar chest. I kissed his cheek adn hung onto him tighter. I needed him. It feels like I have been drowning and he is my air, my only hope for survival.

"I remember."

CLIFF HANGER! And PELODY!!!!!!!! Thats the ship name that I have been seeing for Peter and Melody! Isn't this chapter so bipolar though? I mean first you got Melody having a crazy makeout sess with the infamous Sebastian and then she remembers!

I hope you enjoyed! Remember to vote and comment! I love hearing from you!

OUAT RETURNS TONIGHT ASDFGHJKL! I just rewatched the last episode. It was a tear feast at my house! With Peter dying and Emma and Henry forgetting everyone included Hook.   I ship Emma and Hook SO hard!


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