Ep 8: A broken mind

Start from the beginning

The panther digimon nods and hops into her arms.

Julia smiles as she holds the rookie digimon in her arms.

She begins to walk down the path home. The path was made of stone that her father crafted. It had taken her dad at least one year, for him to craft a pathway that was at least one mile away from their house all the way to the river.

Julia frowns as she tries to recall what Pansamon told her this morning.

"Pansamon...where did Blaine go?" She has asked.

"He...he went to summer camp. He won't be back until after summer is over."

"But why wouldn't he say goodbye to me...and why couldn't I go along?" She had asked sadly.

"You know Blaine."

Julia frowns as she gets out of her flashback. "Blaine..." She whispers.

Pansamon looks up at her sadly. "You okay?"

The purple hair girl shrugs. "I guess."

"Hey, why don't we look foward to what your mom has planned for us."

Julia grins brightly.

"Spaghetti and meatballs!" They shouted in unison. Both human and digimon seem really excited.

Julia put a hand to her cheek as she began to think about her mother's food. "My mom makes the best pasta sauce in the entire world!" She exclaims. "Spicy but not too hot." She added.

Pansamon rubbed his paws together. "I'm looking foward to the garlic bread."

Julia eyes started to water.

"I remember how my brother and I used to act like this." She wondered off.

(Six months ago)

Blaine and Julia were both at a trader maze.

People had set up booths, each booth held diffrent make shift items.

"Big bro!" Julia cried out.

Blaine turned to face his sister.

She was grinning from ear to ear. As she was wearing a large hat made of fake peacot feathers. "What do you think?" She asked.

Blaine raised an eyebrow. "Do you want to hear the truth."

Julia sticks her tongue out. "Oh come on Blaine. I make anything look good." She teased.

Blaine shook his head. "Do you really want it. Mom only gave us twenty dollars to get something." He reminded her.

Julia took off the hat. She put her hand to her chin and held the hat away from her.

"Hmm...Is this me?" She asked aloud.

She shook her head. "I may be random, but this randomness has far surpassed mine." She announced. As she placed the hat back on the booth.

Blaine sweatdropped at his sister silly remark.

Julia raced over to her brother and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Come along my dear brother. More booths await us."

"Sure, you lead the way."

Julia grins. "Naturally."

Julia walked quickly. Checking every booth she passed. A huge almost child like grin was on her face as she checked every booth.

Blaine smiled after her.

My sister is an amazing person. She sees the beauty in everything in this world. She always tries to think positive, even if the whole world is crashing around her. Blaine thought as he watched Julia continue to act like a young kid in a candy store.

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