Chapter Twelve

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Harry POV

I quickly walked out of the Great Hall, not really paying attention to all the stares. Only one was really getting to me, and that's because it was causing my scar to itch. 'What on earth is his problem now? He has been sitting there, not talking to anyone the entire time. Unless he heard what I said. That is entirely possible, with Voldemort's better hearing abilities.' Ignoring the itch, I continued to walk away. A few minutes later, I realized someone had followed me out.

"Harry! Harry, wait up!" I groaned, speeding up my pace. Where I am going in order to get away from him, I am not really sure. All that matters is to avoid his questions.

"Damn it Harry, stop running from me!" Draco called out again, sounding slightly worn out. Deciding that I might as well get this over with, I abruptly stopped. I didn't realize Draco was so close to me that the sudden impact of him colliding with my back nearly had us falling to the ground.

"About bloody time." Draco sighed, catching his breath. I figured he would step out of my personal space, unfortunately he didn't, "we won't ask any can explain why you wont eat when you are ready to to talk. But...we...I'm here if you need someone. Okay, Harry?" I felt Draco wrap his arms around me, his hands settling on my stomach, and automatically tensed.

"Draco, what? Please let go of me." Draco's forehead rested on my back, between my shoulder blades, the contact not something I'm used to having.

"No. It's not like anyone comes down this way, it's a deserted hallway. Why do you always tense up like this when someone touches you?" I simply stood there, not wanting to reply. Draco sighs, but says nothing else. We ended up standing like that for nearly five minutes before I relaxed in the embrace. It wasn't until another five minutes after that, that we realized we have three minutes to get to class. Removing him from my person, I grinned at Draco's small blush, before we made a mad dash to History of Magic.

"This class is borrringg." I rolled my eyes at Draco's whispered wine. I am rather glad I memorized the first year books, as there is no need to pay attention to what Binns is droning on about.

"Maybe, but we wouldn't want to ruin your Slytherin image now would we? Pay attention, Draco." I nearly smiled at the small groan he gave at my response, and continued what I was doing. What am I doing? Drawing a nice picture of the Stone, of course. I am lucky enough to have come across some red colored ink earlier.

"What are you doing, Harry?" Blaise asked, looking over at my paper. I had finished drawing the stone and now in the process of coloring it in.


"Shouldn't you be paying attention, like you told Draco to?" I could easily hear the grin in his voice, though his expression gave nothing away.

"No, I already read this chapter."

"Wait, when? You have been with us nearly the entire time." I wanted to smile at his confusion and curiosity.

"Last night when you went to bed." A lie, of course, but it won't be the first or the last that I tell them.

"Hmm." was his only response, before going back to his notes. The rest of the class went on rather silently, and I managed to finish the drawing and let it dry before the bell rang.

On our way to potions, we went by a rather familiar group, only there was a slight change in who is in it. We were nearly to the dungeons, before we were stopped.

"Oh, look, it's the slimy snakes!" Ron Weasley spoke harshly, in a tone he hoped would hurt one of us. Unfortunately for him, the only one riled up was Draco, whom we forcibly dragged to the room despite all his struggling.

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