Chapter Eleven

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Dumbledore POV

I can't believe Harry got put into Slytherin! He must be re sorted into Gryffindor at once. There is no way I am letting my weapon try and leave the leash I have him on. The nerve of the kid, tricking the hat into placing him with the Snakes. This will ruin all my carefully laid out plans, plans of having Harry find the stone and kill Voldemort who is possessing Quirrell right now. I will need to place some strong compulsion spells on the boy. Hmm so much to think on, so much to control...

No matter; the wizarding world will be in the palm of my hand in the end.

Harry POV

I gracefully sat down next to Draco, well aware of Professor Quirrell's gaze still on me.

"Hey, Harry, I hope you don't mind but we were placed in a room together." Draco tapped my shoulder, his Slytherin mask already in place even though I could see the glimmer of happiness in his eyes. I rolled my eyes, careful to keep my own mask in place.

"Of course I don't mind, Draco. Oh, but there is someone you should meet when we get up there though." I smirked at the confusion Draco directed at me, "don't worry, he's harmless." I looked up as someone sat down across from us in a slight huff.

"Hello Draco, and Harry, right? I was shocked to hear you're a Slytherin." A girl spoke happily, but nicely enough. Strange, I thought Pansy Parkinson was supposed to be an annoying chick who clung to Draco like her life depended on it? Oh well, guess this is just another change to the timeline.

"Yes, and who might you be, Miss?" I questioned with a charming smile.

But then the gaze on me from the teachers table turned into a glare, the flare of pain causing me to flinch slightly. Not enough for others to notice, but it was still enough for Draco to catch.

"Oh, my apologies, I'm Pansy Parkinson, pleasure to meet you." She smiled, holding her hand out, which I took and placed a quick kiss on.

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Parkinson." I nearly laughed at the shock written on Draco's face, but was stopped when the pain in my scare worsened. 'What is his problem? Jeez!' Taking a deep breath, I went back to listening to Pansy.

"Please, Harry, just Pansy is fine. We are friends after all."

"Of course." I smiled, before tuneing the two out and focusing on the link between Voldemort and I. 'Why is he so angry? It can't be because I am in Slytherin. No, that would make him happy. Dumbledore maybe? No... I highly doubt they would start anything here of all places. Anyways, I need to figure out what I plan to do. It's the Philosopher's Stone this year so I will need to either get it before anyone else does, wait and see if Granger and Weasley get it, or find out if Voldemort will get it on his own.'

"Harry!" Draco shouted, well, kind of. More like he said it really loudly in my ear.

"What?" I hissed back, not really happy about my thoughts being interrupted. Quirrell, or Voldemort really, was still staring at me too. Merlin, will he ever stop looking at me? People will get suspicious if he doesn't give it a break.

"Sorry, but are you going to eat anything? We are going to the dorms in five minutes." He pointed to my still untouched plate of chicken. I let out a small puff of air, shaking my head.

"I'm not hungry." I ignored Draco's elegantly raised eyebrow, choosing to change the subject.

"What classes do you guys have?" I glanced down at the paper that had been placed on my plate, probably when I was preoccupied.

"We have history of magic first on Monday." My gaze shot up to the new voice, only relaxing when I realized it was Blaise.

"When did you get here, Blaise?" I questioned out loud.

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