(2.43) Coming Home

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Guys why didn't you tell me I forgot to upload?!

"Klaus are you sure that this is the best thing for her? She hasn't been in a good place right now, and taking her out of the state could only make things worse." Jana said skeptically as she watched Klaus haul another bag into the trunk.

"That," He started as he slammed the trunk shut and turned to face Jana. "Is the exact reason that she needs this. Something familiar might be just the thing she needs." Jana narrowed her eyes.

"I might agree with you if you were taking her anywhere else, do you know how much anxiety she has had over that place?" The brunette asked, placing a hand on her hip. Before either of them could say anything else, Rebekah appeared at the top of the staircase with Eden's hand in hers as they descended the steps slowly.

"Did you at least tell her?" Jana asked. When the hybrid said nothing, the oldest Martinez scoffed in disbelief.

"I swear it's like you don't even know her sometimes." Klaus smirked, turning to face Jana.

"Or I just know her better than you." He suggested, walking forward to meet up with his sister and the mother of his child. He gave Rebekah a grateful nod before turning to face Eden.

"Are you ready to go love?" Eden looked up at him, a sad smile on her face.

"Almost." She answered quietly. In the midst of Eden's pity party, Klaus had been extremely patient with her and though she did despise being treated as a child by being told to stay in bed, she was grateful for him all the same. Jana pulled Eden to her, wrapping the bigger girl in her small arms and squeezing her lightly.

"Be safe okay, tell everyone hi." She whispered in her ear, placing a quick peck on her cheek before pulling away and then smiling at Rebekah. Klaus wrapped an arm around Eden, guiding her to the car and helping her inside before turning back to Jana.

"Do me a favor and make sure that things run smoothly while I'm gone. Wouldn't want anyone making a grab for my power while I'm gone now do we?" Jana rolled her eyes.

"I'm not your snitch pendejo, you have Marcel for that." Klaus smirked, opening the door to the driver's seat and turning back to face Jana.

"Well how about I grant you a simpler task then eh? Take care of my big brother for me, make sure that he doesn't get himself into any trouble while we're gone." Jana let out a snort, turning on her heels and walking away.

"Goodbye Klaus." She called back to the now smirking hybrid as he shut the door to the car and pulled off down the road.

* * *

Eden had never particularly been one to complain when it came to long car trips. She found the scenery relaxing and in her younger years, she would have taken some shots on her camera. There was also a never-ending stream of new music that showed her the various tastes of what her companions were listening to as well as showing them what she liked. Not to mention the fact that she got to try out new foods at the vast selections of diners that was strewn throughout the countryside to keep her happy.

Pregnancy had manged to turn all of that into her worst nightmare.

Eden constantly had to go to the bathroom and while Rebekah and Klaus tried to put on brave faces about it, Eden could tell they were as irritated with her bladder as she was. Klaus had even made the mistake of muttering about it, to which she blamed their daughter and the father for ever impregnating her to begin with. Not to mention the fact that every time she ate, it felt like she only wanted more food and twice Klaus had to stop at a gas station to pick up her new cravings in the form of sour gummy worms. With all this in total, Eden saw that what should have been a fourteen hour trip turned into a seventeen hour one before she saw where she was.

As I Lay • K.M.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora