For You There's Nothing In This World I Wouldn't Do

Start from the beginning

"Saga didn't want me to leave her behind."

"How thoughtful of her. Where is he?"

Thor gives Jane's hand a light squeeze. "Oh! He's in his room. Fandral is with him and the others are standing guard outside."

Odin motions to a nearby guard. "Send for the executioner."

Thor releases Jane's hand and falls in step beside his father. "Give him a chance!"

"He will never change! He has proved that!"

"He's ready to die for what he's done! He apologized for what he did on Earth! He told Thor where to find you! Tell me that he hasn't changed!"

Odin stops and turns to Jane. "You believed him?"

Jane nods "Every word."

"He lies."

"So do you!"

Thor steps beside Jane as Odin stares at her, sizing her up. A pattering of footsteps on the cold stone floor behind him draws his attention away from Jane.

"What is this?" He stares down at the young woman curtsying to him.

"Father this is Astrid. She was Saga's attendant."

He nods, "What is it?"

Astrid straightens up. "Forgive me my king but my lady's desire was for you to perform her rites."


"Take me to her."


Thor and Jane escort a forlorn Loki into the throne room before Odin. At the base of the steps Loki drops to one knee and bows his head. "My life is in your hands, do with it what you will."

"I am told you feel remorse for your actions. Is this true?"

"Someone wiser than I once told me to carefully consider my actions. I did not heed those words...until now. I acted like a child. I made rash and foolish decisions. I was blinded by anger."

Odin stands to his feet. "And now?"

"I yield unto my fate."

"And what do you suppose shall be your fate?"

"For all my crimes and the lives I took so carelessly, I deserve nothing less than the ax."

Odin nods, "That is true." He walks down the steps and stands beside Loki. "But that's not what they would want is it?"

Loki looks up at him a tears glistening in his eyes.

"Rise, Loki Odinson. You will not die today."

Loki shakes his head. "I do not deserve your mercy."

"I believe you'll find there are some that would disagree with you." Odin gestures to the hall behind him. Loki stands to his feet and turns. Behind him stands Thor and Jane, Sif and the warriors three, Heimdall, and Astrid.

Loki stares at them in disbelief and turns to Odin. "How am I to live with myself knowing I killed them both?"

"My son will not die by my hand. If you do not wish to live out your days here, with your friends and family, then I have no choice but to send you away. Astrid."

The young woman steps forward and curtsies. "Yes my king?"

"Take Loki and return to Sokkvabekk. He will remain there in exile."

Astrid curtsies. "As you wish Allfather."

She turns and walks out the side door. Thor, Jane, and Fandral step forward and usher Loki out into the bright sunlit courtyard where the horses stand ready amid carts laden with supplies. Loki looks from the horses to his brother. "You are coming with me? Why?"

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