Return to Asgard

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Thor's feet hit the floor of Heimdall's observatory and he releases his grip on Jane. A few feet away Saga was on her knees leaning heavily on Fandral.  Thor frowns and approaches them. "What happened?"

Saga shakes her head and gives a faint smile. "Forgive friends...I have...deceived you." She says breathlessly.

"How have you deceived us little one?" Fandral asks quietly.

"I am unwell..."

Fandral helps her to her feet and puts his arm around her. "Let's get you to Eir."

She shakes her head. "No...we must...see Odin."

Fandral looks to Thor. "Odin can wait. We need to get her to the healing room."

Saga pulls away from Fandral and staggers against the wall. "I must...Odin..." Thor catches her as she begins to fall. She looks him in the eye. "You...promised..." She collapses in his arms.

"I'll take her to her chambers. Fandral fetch Eir as quickly as you can."

Fandral nods as Thor flies off with a semi-conscious Saga held tight in his arms.


Fandral and Jane follow behind Eir as she enters Saga's chambers. She stops at the sight of the young woman, deathly pale and struggling to breathe. Thor strides over to her. "Help her."

Eir looks sadly from Saga to Thor. "I can't help her. As I told queen Frigga..."

Thor's face falls, "My mother...? How long has she been ill?"

Eir sighs, "I was called to Sokkvabekk a few days after your brother was lost to the void. I am surprised that she has held on this long."

Thor smiles sadly at Saga. "She always has been strong willed." He kneels beside her bed and takes her hand in his. "Why did you hide it from us?"

"What...would you...have done?Knowing...would not...have changed...anything."

Thor kisses the back of her hand. "I will keep my promise my dear friend."

She smiles and closes her eyes. Thor stands and turns to Fandral, "Will you stay with her while I go speak with Odin?"

Fandral nods. "Of course."

The sound of pattering feet is heard in the hallway, the door opens and a young woman with flowing blonde hair rushes in. She runs right into Thor. She glances up and sweeps into a curtsy. "Forgive me Prince."  He nods to her and leaves the room, the doors closing behind him. As Astrid straightens up her eyes fall on the gaunt figure of her mistress. She gasps and buries her face in her hands. Fandral puts an arm around her and holds her close.

"I'm so sorry Astrid." He says quietly in her ear.

After a few moments Astrid wipes the tears from her eyes and turns to Jane. "You must be Lady Jane." She gives her a slight curtsy. "I'm Astrid. The Lady Saga's attendant and confidant." She looks up at Fandral, "She insisted that no one know she was ill. Only myself, the queen, and Eir knew. She thought if you knew it would distract you from your duties."

Fandral shakes his head. "She knows better that that."

Astrid nods and looks over her shoulder at her sleeping mistress. "She's always been so strong. Even the queen would look to her for strength. The people see her as their Princess, even those that fear her."

Jane frowns, "Why do people fear her?"

"They fear her power. There are only a handful of people capable of performing tricks of magic in Asgard and only two master magicians. She is more feared than Prince Loki was. She had been living an illusion for the last two years"

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