Seeking Allies

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Saga rides swiftly down the bridge toward the observatory, memories of laughing children playing in a field mingled with images of battle swimming through her head. Her horse slows as it reaches the observatory. Heimdall walks toward her and nods.

"Hello, Vör."

She straightens up in the saddle and smiles at him. "Hello, good Heimdall."

"Why have you come to me?"

Her smile fades, "I seek truth. Tell me what you saw."

"I can not tell you what you seek. I could not see the young princes after they arrived on Svartalfheim. I can only tell you what information Thor relayed to me."

"Very well."

"They sought to destroy the Aether. They worked together to deceive Malekith, Loki protected Jane and came to Thor's aid. He was killed by the Kurse when he defended Thor. He died an honourable death."

She sighs and nods to him. "Thank you Heimdall." She turns her horse back toward the city.

"Be careful little one. It's a dangerous path on which you tread. If you should require my assistance..."

She looks over her shoulder and smiles. "I know." With a quick flick of the reins her horse takes off back down the bridge. She eases up when she reaches the gate to the city, four figures stand blocking the path. She stops and dismounts. Two of the figures approach. "Lady Sif, Fandral, what are you doing here?"

Sif takes the lead from her and starts toward the courtyard with Hogun. Fandral offers his arm to Saga; she smiles fondly at him and takes it. "Well my dear mouse, I thought you might require assistance in your endeavour. Whatever it may be. Simply tell us what you need; we will do our best to accommodate you. No questions asked."

Saga smiles and pats his hand. "Thank you my dear friend." She glances ahead at Sif.

Fandral follows her gaze and chuckles. "You have our allegiance. We trust that your quest is indeed for the good of the realm. Tell us what you need."

She stops and looks him in the eye. "Can you secure a transport?"


Standing on a frozen mountainside as the sun slowly rises behind her, Skye watches Fitz-Simmons tiny drones scanning and collecting data. Coulson walks up beside her. "How we doing?"

"Freezing, but aside from that its great."

"Sir, I believe we can confirm the craft was Asgardian."

Skye glances at Coulson. "Your buddy Thor?"

Coulson frowns. "Possibly, but I don't think so. There hasn't been any indication of unusual weather patterns. I'll make a call and see if she's picked anything up in the area." He turns and head back down the path toward the plane. Skye joins Ward sifting through the larger debris of the craft. Fitz soon joins in, smiling ear to ear. Skye pulls her scarf down a little. "Why are you so happy?"

"It's a boat...well it was a boat."

Ward shifts a larger piece of debris and looks at him. "A boat? On a mountain?"

Fitz nods and then shakes his head, "I know. It doesn't make any sense."

Skye shakes her head and takes a step back. Her foot catches on something under the snow and she falls backward. Fitz steps over and helps her to her feet. "You alright?"

Skye brushes the snow off her suit and nods. "Yeah in fine. Must have tripped on a rock or something." She scans the ground where she fell; something glistens in the light from the rising sun. She kneels down and brushes the snow away. "Hey guys?"

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