"Why are you asking me? S.H.I.E.L.D. has been monitoring that themselves."

Skye nods. "Yeah, I know. We were just wondering if we had missed anything in the last few months."

Jane shakes her head. "What is this really about?"

Skye sighs and looks out the window toward the SUV. She leans in over the table and lowers her voice. "We found something on a mountain in Norway. We need any information you can give us on someone by the name of Saga."

Jane crosses her arms. "What makes you think I know anything about this person?"

"We had to try. We thought that if you could get in touch with your friend Donald then maybe he could tell you."

Jane stands and tucks her notebook under her arm. "I'm sorry but I haven't heard from him. I do have a colleague that might be able to help. I'll give him a call and get back to you."

Skye nods. "Thank you."

Jane smiles and walks out the door, Skye leaves the cafe behind her and climbs back into the waiting SUV. Ward stares at her. "Well?"

Skye smiles. "She doesn't know Saga but she'll ask Thor."

"She told you that?"

Skye shrugs. "Not in those exact words."


Coulson walks into the command center and looks straight at Skye. "What exactly did Miss Foster say?"

"She said she would ask a colleague of hers and get back to us."

"What makes you think that her colleague is Thor?"

"Call it a hunch." Skye's phone rings and she pulls it out of her pocket. "Hello?"

'Skye? Are you still in New York?'

Skye smiles. "You have information for me?"

'You could say that. My colleague wants to speak with you in person.'

"Tomorrow at the cafe?"

'Stark Tower, tonight eight o' clock.'


The door to the cage opens and Skye walks in. Saga opens her eyes and smiles at her. "You found him. He's here."

"Yes. He wants to see you. Are you ready?

Saga nods and stands shakily, her long green dress pooling at her feet. A long dark green and black cape appears trailing behind her. Skye hands her the golden staff they had found in the wreckage. "I thought you might like this back."

Skye leads the way into the lounge. Saga stops when she sees the muscular sandy haired man sitting with his back to her. "Thor?"

He stands and turns to face her. A smile spreads across his face. "Saga!" He wraps his arms around her and lifts her off the floor.

"It's good to see you too old friend."

He sets her back on her feet and holds her at arms length. "How long has it been?"

She sighs and sits down. "Since you last saw me or since we last spoke?"

His smile fades and he sits down beside her.

"The last time you truly saw me was when we were children. When you started training both Loki and I faded into the background."

He takes her hand in his and kisses it. "I am sorry. I never meant...."

Saga smiles. "I know. I forgive you. Let the past remain in the past. Learn from it but do not dwell in it."

Jane walks in and sits down across from Saga. Thor's smile returns. "Saga, this is Jane..."

"I have heard a lot about you Lady Jane."

"I don't want to be rude or anything but why are you here?"

Saga stands and walks to the window. "I bring you tidings from Asgard."

"Has something happened?"

Saga faces him and looks him in the eye. "It's your brother."

Thor stands and walks over to her. "Did you not know? Did no one tell you?" He asks quietly. "My brother is dead. He died honorably defending Jane and myself in Svartalfheim."

Saga shakes her head. "Not only does he live, he has taken the throne of Asgard. He rules under the guise of the Allfather."

Thor's brow furrows "Are you sure of this?"

Saga returns to the couch and nods "Yes. I would not have come if I was unsure. I need your help."

"I made the decision to return to Jane. Father..."

"It was not Odin with whom you spoke."

Thor stares silently out the window; Jane walks over to him and puts her hand on his arm. He turns back to Saga. "What of my father? What has he done with him?"

"You know the Allfather is shielded from my sight. Will you return with me? I can not return alone."

Thor turns to Saga, "What can be done? The punishment for such deception is death."

"Surely there is an explanation for this deception. Would you deny him the chance to explain his actions?"

Thor nods "I will go."


A couple of hours later the plane lands somewhere in the middle of the New Mexico desert. Skye and Ward escort Saga, Thor, and Jane away from the plane.

Saga takes Skye's hand. "Thank you for everything my friend."

Thor looks up into the clear blue sky. "Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!"

Saga hugs Skye. "Be careful." She whispers into her ear.

A swirling mass of clouds and light appear before them. Saga releases Skye and steps over to Thor and Jane.

"I will return..."

Saga puts a hand up to stop him. "Thor, did you think I would ask you to leave Jane behind again? She is coming with us."

Thor hesitates. Saga smiles, "No harm will come to her." She looks back at Coulson's team. "It will all work out. Have faith in yourself and in each other. Tell him I am in his debt." She steps forward into the swirl of light and cloud.

Thor looks back at the team and nods. "Thank you for your help." He wraps an arm around Jane and they disappear into the Bifrost.

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