Chapter 10: Presence

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Finn and Poe waited anxiously in the morning sunlight at the ship port, Poe pacing back and forth in the dirt as Trojor leaned against a wall nearby whilst smoking a cigar, ferociously eyeing any passersby that dared to walk within his vicinity. Finn sat on a shaded bench, head in hands, staring at the wall across from him.

How could I have let this happen? Finn thought incredulously. Rey had now been missing for several days, close to a week. It felt like just yesterday they had been making their way through the busy street market, Rey growing frustrated as he had continually turned around to check on her. Even in her irritated state, Rey was still the most beautiful girl Finn had ever seen. Not that he'd seen many girls, but Finn still knew he would never change his opinion. I decide to give her some space, and the next thing I know, she's gone, he reflected bitterly, feeling he himself was to blame for her disappearance.

As their hope diminished each day, Finn and Poe had spoke less and less to each other. The last full conversation they'd had was when they had decided to send for backup from the Order of Organa, a day and a half after Rey had gone missing.

Finn hopped up as he heard a growing rumbling sound, and he and Poe exchanged a knowing glance. They trotted over to an open section of the nearly-full tarmac where a dark shadow was forming, a large ship lowering to the ground.

Almost as soon as it had landed, the passenger door flipped open, releasing the exit ramp into the compact dirt below. Finn and Poe stopped in place as a Luke, Maz, and a large group of Order soldiers hurriedly made their way to the ground from the ship. They all wore plain, thick clothing to conceal themselves. Still, the people and creatures milling about the port seemed to eye the group suspiciously.

"Oh my god, it's—" Finn began, but Poe pressed a hand over his mouth.

"Don't say his name," Poe said sharply.

"I sense her...Rey's alive, but far from here," Luke declared as he approached Finn and Poe, skipping any form of a greeting. "But I also feel...I'm not sure what." Luke's expression seemed to grow more concerned.

Finn and Poe ignored the last of Luke's statement as they both exchanged looks of excited astonishment, the first true happiness they'd felt for quite a long time.

"In what towns have you looked?" Maz asked, coming up behind Luke. Her tone was not worried, but instead rather firm.

Finn quickly listed all of the towns, villages, and outposts they'd been to in their search for Rey. "That...guy has been taking us around," Finn said, pointing back at Trojor who remained against the wall a ways behind them. Trojor looked in the group's direction, a look of suspicion crossing his fierce features.

"Yeah, but he's been overcharging us," Poe said. "Maybe we should choose someone else to take us around now."

"Not to mention, he's terrifying," Finn added quietly. Each night that they'd camped out or spent in a small motel, he had been convinced that the large Trianii would come and kill him in his sleep.

Maz shot Finn an amused look. "Greedy and terrifying, huh?" She asked skeptically. She waved the Trianii over, who stomped through the dirt towards them. "There are things far more terrifying than a Trianii," she said.

"Maz Kenata," Trojor grumbled in greeting as he approached the group.

Poe and Finn exchanged shocked looks. "You know this guy?!" Finn exclaimed, then looked feebly up at Trojor.

"He's visited my castle many times," Maz said. "Trojor here is a loyal customer, and a good friend."

Trojor bowed his head once at Maz, taking another casual drag from his cigar. Poe and Finn still couldn't hide the shock on their faces.

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