Hellish Outbreak

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(McKayla's hairstyle)

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(McKayla's hairstyle)

(McKayla's hairstyle)

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(McKayla's outfit)

(McKayla's outfit)

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(Cat's hairstyle)

(Cat's hairstyle)

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(Cat's outfit)

(August 13,1989)

It was the first Monday & full week of school.I haven't seen Henry all weekend & I was honestly a little scared to go to school because of what happened Saturday.What if they did tell Henry I kissed Richie?After I finished dinner Saturday,I immediately called Cat & told her about it.She made sure I wouldn't worry about coming to school Monday because she was going to have herself,Johnny & some of his friends walk me to my classes.I pulled into the parking lot of the school as I spotted Cat & Johnny near my parking space as I parked in it.Before I exited my car,I took a deep breathe before unbuckling my seatbelt & opening the driver side door & grabbing my backpack.I then pulled my car keys out of the ignition & put them in my backpack & hopped out my car,shutting the door."Hey,sweetie."Cat said to me as she walked over to me & hugged me."How are you?"She asked me."Good I guess...I kinda feel groggy but,I should be fine."I said as I hugged her back & then released the hug."Hey Johnny."I said as I looked at him,trying to smile."Hey.Listen,if you ever have a issue with that douchebag,just give me a call & I'll straighten him out."Johnny said.I smiled at Johnny when he said that."Thanks,Johnny.""He's also promised to beat the hell out of Henry if he messes with our little freshmen friends."Cat said as she laid her head on Johnny's shoulder."MCKAYLA!"I heard a familiar voice come from behind me.I turned around,terrified to see Henry walking towards me with the most angriest look on his face.Belch,Patrick & Victor were also with him.Belch & Patrick were smiling like the pure assholes they were.I could tell Johnny & Cat were about to jump infront of me but before they could,Henry punched me hard across the face,causing me to fall on the ground,holding my face in pain.I was in total shock.This was the first time Henry had ever PUNCHED me.He would usually slap me whenever I pissed him off.But this time,it was the first time ever he had punched me.I then sat up on the ground as pain erupted through my face.The most pain was coming from my nose & left eye.I then felt a warm sensation flowing down both from under my nose.My nose was bleeding.Cat was kneeling down next to me as I seen Johnny & Henry fist fighting.Cat then helped me up as she had some other people go get Principal Todd & she rushed me to the nurse.

I had been sitting in the nurse's office for about an hour.The nurse managed to stop the bleeding by sticking tiny paper towels up both the sides of my nose & made me hold a ice pack over it as well.She then went to notify Principal Todd that Cat immediately rushed me here after Henry had punched me.Cat sat in the chair with her head down.I knew she was pissed & wanted to punch Henry also,but,she thought getting suspended over him wasn't worth it."My god...McKayla,you need to leave that bastard!This has to stop!"Cat said as she began to choke up on tears.I felt myself about to cry too.A few minutes past & Principal Todd & the nurse came back with my parents.My mom was in her scrubs & my dad was in his usual suit.My parents quickly hugged me once they saw me."Sweetie...You need to leave him,now!"My mother said as she began to cry.Principal Todd then began to speak."Miss Daniels,could you please excuse us for a moment,I need to talk to them in private."He asked Cat as she then responded with a nod & walked out the nurse's office.My parents then stopped hugging me as they began paying attention to Principal Todd."Uh...Well,We've suspended to Henry for 6 days & since Johnny also got involved,He's only getting suspended for 2 days."I couldn't believe what I was hearing.Why the hell should Johnny get suspended for helping me?!"I don't understand,why the HELL is he getting suspended for helping me?!"I yelled at Principal Todd.My parents looked at me astonished."McKayla!"My mom said in a whispered tone."Look,I understand the situation & why he also hit Henry,but,it's school policy to suspend whoever is involved in a fight."Principal Todd spoke."Well,maybe you all need to update your bullshit of a policy!"I yelled as I walked out the nurse's office in anger.My parents stayed in there to find out if my nose was broken or not.Thankfully,it wasn't.The nurse also said my left eye will be bruised within in 24 hours.Great,a black eye.God,I really just wanted to go home & sleep.I actually didn't feel good.My stomach was killing me.You may think it was probably where I was nervous about the whole ordeal,but,it wasn't butterflies in my stomach.It was legit pain.

After my parents were done talking to the nurse,we started heading to the front office to get me a dismissal slip.When we got near the office,I seen Henry sitting in one of the chairs & slightly yelling in the assistant principal's office.Oh my god,his fucking asshole dad is arguing with the assistant principal.Once my mom heard his dad,she immediately rushed into the front office & to the assistant principal's office.My dad & I rushed after her so she wouldn't cause a scene."WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE,BUTCH!?"My mom yelled as she got in Butch's face."I THINK I'M DEFENDING MY SON BECAUSE HE HAD EVERY RIGHT TO PUNCH THAT LITTLE BITCH!"Butch yelled in my mom's face."NO WONDER WHY YOUR FUCKING WIFE LEFT YOU!YOU & YOUR SON THINK IT'S OK TO USE WOMEN AS PUNCHING BAGS!YOUR LUCKY WE DON'T PRESS CHARGES ON THAT LITTLE SHITHEAD!"My mom yelled at the top of her lungs."DO IT YOU SELF CENTRTED WHORE!AT LEAST I WASN'T STILL A TEENAGER WHEN MY BOY WAS BORN!UNLIKE YOU!"Butch yelled before chuckling.He knew my mom hated hearing the fact she was still 15 when she had me.That's right,my parents were still young kids when they had me.Before my mom could get her hands on Butch,my father grabbed her & drug her out the assistant principal's office.Henry stood outside the door while all this happened.I just walked right past him.My mom was standing in the main office,trying to calm down as she filled out the check out form in order to take me home.

Once we got home,I went straight to my room & broke down crying.Why didn't I leave that bastard a year ago?I was tired of believing all the things I said to myself to stay with him.I needed to leave him.I can't take anymore of this hurt & pain.

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