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My life was incredibly normal. My parents are together, I have a younger sister, I'm in band, an honors student, I have a good friend who'll be by my side, my life was incredibly simple. I wake up, 6:00 a.m., get ready, go to school, go to practice, come home, do homework, pretty simple, yeah? Wrong. It was like that, until I noticed her. I never thought I'd have a crush on someone, especially this big of one at a completely random time. She's super quiet, unless she's around her friends, when she is around her friends, she's always smiling. I can tell she's a nerd, she always has a different oversized shirt on everyday, either Marvel, or Pokemon, or something to do with our school. From what I can tell, she's super smart, and always has giant, black glasses on. She's also in band, she never misses anything, it's very rare to not see her at school. I've known her since the seventh grade, but I've never had feelings towards her, I've never had a crush on anyone, nor have I dated anyone, I don't even hang out with girls unless it's for school. I just know that I can't tell anyone about it, I would get teased so much, and plus, my parents won't even allow me or my sister to date until we get our lives at a steady pace, basically, neither of us can date until we're 18, when we're legal adults.

A/N: Hello everyone! It's the start of another new book. I'm actually really getting into this book, by that I mean, I'm designing and drawing all the characters, putting the research into it, and all that kind of stuff. I hope everyone who reads enjoys it as much I enjoy writing it. By the way, I know this is a lame introduction, but I didn't really know how to start it off, but I swear it gets better later on. That's pretty much all I have to say about this first chapter, I'll publish Chapter 1 next week, in the meantime, enjoy your day. BYE! :D

Has your life ever changed do to a crush? I have had like one giant crush, if anything, it got me out of my shell just a little bit.

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