Sign of the Times - Harry Styles

Start from the beginning

Niall had been in the woods unnoticed for almost three days before he felt like he should just give up. What else did he have to live for? The food rations he had were long gone after the first five hours he was alone and his water was gone in the first three. He was sure he had lost a lot of blood because there were moments in time that he couldn't recall; making him think that he had been passing out every now and then. He didn't even react when heard footsteps approaching him. He just had no energy.

"Are you alright?" he heard someone call out; a man.

Niall could barely keep his head up let alone try to figure out what direction the footsteps were coming from. Of course, his instinct would be to get up and run but he just had no energy.

"Sir?" Whomever was calling out to him was much closer now. "Are you hurt?"

Niall's breathing became slower and his eyelids began to get heavy. His vision was blurring and he was sure he was going to die because what if this was a British soldier only pretending to care before taking and killing him?

"Oh god..." They must've been in front of him now. "I'm going to help you. I'm not going to let you die out here. You don't deserve this. You don't deserve to die." Niall could barely feel the man lift him up into his arms and hold him close to his chest. "This war is getting ridiculous. It's just stupid that people want to kill others for no good reason at all."

The man continued to speak but Niall could barely make out anything else before he had lost consciousness. When Niall had awoken, he found himself inside of a room. Without fully taking in all of his surroundings, he began to panic, thinking it was some sort of holding cell. He began thrashing around only to have hands placed on him to relax.

"It's okay. You don't have to be afraid," the voice cooed.

Blinking a few times, Niall looked up to see the face that belonged to the voice he had heard. In that moment, Niall was in awe. His eyes fell upon the most beautiful man he had ever seen in his entire life. And honestly, he was speechless.

"You've been out for a few days...but you're on your way to being a healthy lad again," the man smiled at him. "I'm Harry by the way." He took his hands away from Niall's chest and stepped back. "It may be awhile before you'll be able to walk without limping, but I've bandaged up your knee and—"

"Wait..." Niall began when he was finally able to speak. "Did me?" Harry nodded. "But...but why? Why didn't you—"

"Kill you?" Niall nodded this time. Harry sighed and walked around the room a bit before coming to a stop in front of the bed that Niall was laying on. "I don't like the war and I don't like death. I'm a lover, not a fighter. I don't like violence."

"But...don't you consider me the enemy?"

Harry shook his head no.

"I can just tell that you never wanted to be apart of, I couldn't just let you die out there."

Niall was speechless. He thought that he had to have been dreaming or that he had died and that this was heaven. He couldn't even begin to imagine why someone who would and probably should consider him the enemy, would save him.

"So, you know my name. What's yours?" Harry asked after a few moments of silence.

"It's Niall. My name is Niall."


Harry had nursed Niall back to health, but that didn't mean that Niall was safe. Harry knew that neither of them were safe. He also knew that someone—sometime soon—would come banging their fists on his front door asking if he was harboring any enemies. He knew that if he was caught lying, not only would Niall's life be at stake, so would his own. So he had to be extremely careful. He wouldn't let Niall leave the house and Harry himself would only leave if he really needed to.

When the soldiers had come to Harry's property in search for any German soldiers who might have survived the crash, Harry had to take action. He lied to them and said that no one had come to his place asking for shelter. The soldiers, suspicious of Harry's words, checked Harry's home anyway and didn't find anyone. The soldiers were a bit upset that they hadn't found anyone, but they left Harry's house and left him alone. Once Harry knew they were completely off his property, he had told Niall that they had to go on the run and leave everything behind. So that's what they did.

Over the course of this time, the two boys began to fall for each other. They would deny it at first, thinking that there was no way that this was actually happening, but it was Niall who finally gave in. He told Harry how he felt and Harry couldn't have been happier.

With the war still going on, Niall and Harry still had to be careful with their actions. They had to hide their love along with hiding from soldiers. Every day proved to be difficult but they made a promise to each other, that once the war was over, they'd find a place, settle down and just enjoy the rest of life together.



I'm not so sure I like how this one turned out but thank you so much justxnarryx for the prompt!

How are you all doing?

I know it's been a long while since I've posted anything. It's just I've been working on this imagine and it was quite difficult for me BUT as you can see :) I got it done!!

I love you all so much. I really hope you know that.

Please vote and comment. Your feedback means the world to me and keeps me motivated to write!

Ari aka Momma Penguin

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