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Jas's Pov:

We were so tired and the incidents throughout the day made it worse. We didn't want to cook. So we ordered pizza. Remi is not a fan of pizza. Yet she agreed. We were talking with our families through skype video call and told them we finally has settled in.

After some time pizza came and we paid for it. We had dinner watching 'In time' movie in our personal laptop. Then we checked our mails and we were informed that we got many tasks to handle on the first day of joining to onsite team, that is tomorrow.

I was fast asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I woke up in the middle of the night with hick ups. I came of out of my room with half sleep, walking like a zombie. Had a glass of water and went back to my room to get the comfort of my bed again.

After 10 mints or so...  I heard banging sound out of our house. I ignored it and went back to reach heaven in my sleep. Then the banging sound resumed again and this time someone was shouting which I could not understand clearly from my room.

After 2 mints I got irritated. So I got up and went to hall.

Now I could clearly hear what the sound was. A guy was shouting to someone to open the door. Man! You have worst timing to wake the neighbours up.

I went to the door and opened it. There he is. Banging the door of opposite flat to ask his wife to open the door.  He was slurring.

I clearly understood now. He is drunk. Even if the angels come to earth and asked him to be quite, the words wouldn't go to his drunken head in this state.

I shouted in anger, 'Excuse me. Will you please open the door and let him inside. He is going to wake the whole flat'. I am really tempted to throw him down from the common balcony.

Finally, his wife decided to show mercy on him and opened the door. She looked at me and said Sorry then dragged his husband by holding his shoulder inside the house.

Free of trouble now. I went inside and locked the door. When I reached halfway to my room I got a doubt. Didn't the sound bothered Remi?.

I wanted to check on Remi. So I started walking towards her room. Her door was partially opened. I saw someone standing inside the room holding something. I was taken aback by the scene and went inside.

I was relieved that it was Remi who was standing in the middle of the room by the foot of her bed. She was holding her bed sheet like she is going to wrap it around someone. Is Someone is standing infront of her?

Not bothering to switch on the light I rushed to see what/who was there infront of her. I found nothing. When I touched Remi's hand she dropped the bed sheet and opened her eyes. Then she screamed.

I was stupid to stand very close to her which made her scream. She looked around her room which clearly shows that she was confused of why she is standing instead of sleeping.

'What happened Jas? ',  she asked with a tiny voice.

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