My Final Year Part One: A Surprise

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After Grade 4, more students begin to transfer. Katrina, Seanley, Lian, Lyka, etc. left HLA-Phils, Friends became enemies, no one trusts each other anymore, Jubal became a bully and Alyssa became the victim. Alyssa never told her parents about Jubal. Before Jubal wore a sky blue sweater, black Avengers jeans, and he had glasses. Now Jubal wears a black leather jacket, torn blue jeans, with spikes and had a lot of piercings on his ears. Before Alyssa wore a shirt that said " I am a Pro", black jeans with butterflies and flowers on them and she had no glasses but she had cute butterfly earrings. Now she wears a v- neck sweater, a skirt and wears glasses and a necklace with a blue rose. The only people helping Alyssa were her remaining close friends also known as Gabbie, Anya, Faith, Princess( she is one of Alyssa's new besties), Mae, Brave, Charles, Manang Alliyah,Yasu, Paul, Aldrick and Von. They would help Alyssa clean her wounds, defend her, eat with her, protect her, etc.
But all that changed when a surprise arrives at their school...

Random Teacher- Students! We have a surprise today! You can officially go to other schools if you have high grades!

Students- YAY!!!

Alyssa- Yes! I can go visit my friends at Open Door Christian Academy!!

Alliyah- That's good!

Alyssa- You know, you guys can come with me!

The besties- Yay!!

They knew that Jubal was eavesdropping on them so the next thing they said surprised Jubal.

Jubal- Awwwww look at Miss Pathetic!!! She is scared to go to her old school alone!

Alyssa- Who said that?

Alliyah- Maybe it was a ghost?

Yasu- Or maybe it was the stupidest bully in the whole world!

The besties- Yeah!

Jubal- What?!

Alyssa- Come on guys! Let's go to ODCA!!

Jubal- What the heck just happened?!

Josh- The bully just got severed, that's what.

End of Chapter. See you in the next one! Bye!!!

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