Danny struggled from the box he'd been trapped in. It was the same one Skulker had used for Vlad. The one that circuited his powers. Only his head stuck out of the box. He heard chants of "Fight! Fight! Fight!"
He looked up to see Valerie, now as the Red Huntress, hovering on her board and facing a ghost.

Wait....was that Medusa?

"Gaze into my eyes so I may turn you to stone" she hissed.

Danny's eyes widened. Yep, that's Medusa. He's had one interaction with her. And it wasn't very pretty.

He groaned. How could Skulker imsprison her?? Wasn't she some kind of queen?

He realised Skulker wouldn't care. She was a ghost that can turn others to stone. If that isn't rare then Danny was Batman.

Medusa's snakes stretched out again but the Red Huntress shot them down. Danny winced when the snakes retracted in pain. The ghosts around it yowled and shouted, enjoying the fight.

Danny growled. He wasn't very fond of Medusa, what the heck, he didn't like her at all. But this was just cruel. He couldn't imagine how Valerie felt.

Valerie felt terrible. She hated this. She hated being used. She was not going to play their little game. She send the rockets towards the bars. They exploded against it but didn't leave a dent.

The ghosts laughed at her. She growled and send more rockets and bombs. She tried to shoot it. She gave it everything she got. When the smoke cleared there wasn't a scratch. A few rockets though had slipped right through the bars. They flew circles around the room and exploded in random places. A few ghosts shouted or screamed.

Medusa was confused as to why the floating human wasn't attacking. Then she realised. The thing was aiming for the other ghosts. Medusa turned her slithering snakes to the ghosts who dared cage her, Medusa.

She slithered, which caught the attention of a few ghosts, who looked at her without thinking. Medusa smirked when their ectoplasm was turned into stone. They will perish for what they've done.

"Gaze into my eyes" she shrieked.

Suddenly she couldn't see anything but green anymore.

Valerie was shot down. She fought with all her might. It was a green blob around her board and legs. She lay on the ground. Suddenly she thought of Medusa. Was she gonna attack her. Valerie looked and saw the female ghost trapped in a similar green blob. She couldn't move and her mouth was open mid scream.

She saw a few stoned ghosts next to the cage and smiled. She started to like Medusa.

She lifted her hand shot a ray at the snake lady's blob. It jiggled and part of it dissipated. She shot again but was then captured in another blob. This time it covered her whole upper body and neck. She had to strech her neck to free her mouth.

A few ghosts quickly entered the cage and dragged Medusa into her smaller cage. They took her to the hall. Medusa was half out of the blob thanks to Valerie but that couldn't help them now.

Another ghost came in and lifted Valerie. She cursed and struggled but couldn't move. Not even to pull the trigger.

The crowd was busy trying to calm down. They weren't used to being in the line of fire themselves. Many grumbled and were unhappy. Skulker scowled at the girl, though he had to admire her thoughtprocess. He should've known she wasn't one to be caged. The ghost child wasn't like that either. And he wouldn't fight a ghost just for the heck of it. Skulker thought up a plan.

Valerie cursed as she was dragged to a cell and was thrown unceremoniously in. She looked up. Danny stared at her in worry. Her eyes widened. He had seen her transform. In all the commotion she'd forgotten Danny was watching. Well, she figures out his secret, he figures out hers. But why was he worried. Why wasn't he shocked or mad?

"That was brave, Val" he smiled at her.

Valerie was surprised. He- he knew, she realised. He knew before this.

Skulker announced. "And now for the ultimate trophy!!"

Danny snapped his head towards the hunter as the crowd grumbled about how his last trophy had almost made ectoplasmic puddle of them.

Danny's box was lifted and he threw nervous looks at Valerie. She smiled, wanting to surprise him too, "Knock 'em dead, halfa man"

Danny seemed to choke on his own saliva.

The ghosts dragged him to a special cage. It was a big glassbox. There were no holes or anything on it. It seemed pretty fragile which was confusing to Valerie. She looked on as the halfa was put down harshly and the box crimped. What was left was a black haired boy in an orange jumpsuit with a small box on the ground beside him. The ghosts quickly took the box and slid the glass door shut.

Danny looked around in confusion. This was the same type of glass box as the weapons were in. He could test it now and see if he could break it.

He drew his fist back and punched with all his might. His knuckles knacked but the glass remained unharmed. Danny frowned. Maybe it was too thick. What if he melt it. But could he use his powers in front of Valerie? Then he remembered, she knows he's a halfa.

He paled. How did she figure it out!! Did she know that he was Phantom too? He couldn't take the chance.

The ghosts were unimpressed. Another human. This was getting boring.

Skulker appeared on top of the box. "I assure you, my fellow collectioners. This is a grand prize"

"What's so grand about it!" A ghost shouted, "it's just a weak human!"

Skulker laughed, "Oh looks can be deceiving. This is not only a human. It is also a ghost!! This, my dear ghosts, this is a halfa"

Looooong chappie for yall.
Youre welcome woue welcome.
So howre yall. You like it yall?
Who else loves milo murphy yall.
Were getting out of track....yall shhh

Ok so how are kim and le others. Whatre the classmates doing at the cage. Will they escape?
And more important.
Whassss danney gon do
(Yes my authors notes are very slang but its a nice change from all the formal talking in the chappies)

Oh and the batman thing. Yes, yes i did.


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