Note 14

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Hi Bradley (aka Brad). Most people have the chewing thing, but for me it is lip smacking. Absolutely hate it. For the second question, I have no idea. I cannot base your looks by our conversation. I hope you are taller than me. I am 5'3" so you probably are. I also hope that you have dimples. I have no idea why, but I find them extremely adorable and I love them. I like your personality and that is what matters. I don't mind hair or eye color. It doesn't really bother me. Was I at least a little accurate? Do you have dimples?


He couldn't help, but smile at the sticky note. His blue pen tapped along the edge of the wooden desk. Bradley's thoughts were scattered. Somehow he was still able to write back to the puzzle of a girl.

Hello September (aka Sept). You are actually right on most things. I do have dimples and am taller than you. I'm not sure if 4 inches is a lot, but I am still taller than you. I am glad that you will most likely like my dimples and that you actually like my personality. By the way I have brown eyes and brown hair. I know, it is kind of boring, but I like my features. What do you look like? Do you have dimples too? Moving on from looks, what are your biggest fears?


For the rest of his European History class, Brad day dreamed of what September would possibly look like.

When he entered his last class, Brad's stomach twisted in knots. Tomorrow was his presentation. He was last to present and the expectations would be high. He needed to make his song perfect. His fingers tapped along the desk in a repetitive matter. To say the least, he was nervous.

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