Note 8

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Hi Brad. I would really love to travel to New York or LA. One of the big cities. So many authors live there. It would be a dream to do the same, but for now I am just in high school. I think that I would rather live in LA because of the beaches. New York does have more editors and publishers though. However your question was for a day, so I would probably say LA only because I think that there is a lot more to do there than New York. What about you, where would you go? Bonus questions what would you do and who would you bring?


He too had always wanted to go to these places. He started to really like Sept in a matter of days, but he didn't want to ruin it. He had this fear that he would embarrass himself in front of her or that she would have expected someone else and be disappointed. Brad didn't want to be hurt by a girl that he was starting to like. Quickly, he dismissed the thought. His blue ink soon replaced the rest of the pink note.

Hi Sept. I would definitely go to New York and Los Angelus. Maybe we could go together sometime. I probably would live in LA because I am in a band, but New York is New York. The only thing I would disagree with you about is the whole day thing. New York has plenty to do. There are a shit ton of sight seeing places. The matter of who I would bring is slightly difficult. If I had a limit of one, it would be the worst, but if I could bring everyone I wanted to bring it would be easy. I would definitely bring my family and my friends. Since it is Friday and you won't be seeing this until Monday, how was your weekend?


Bradley's mind filled with thoughts of September that he couldn't focus on the history power point. He wondered what September looked like. Was she taller than him, shorter? Did she have light eyes or dark? Did she have dar or light hair, long or short? Multiple questions flew through his head. No matter what she looked like, Brad knew deep down that she was beautiful.

While he thought of all the possibilities, his mind seemed to back track to the mystery girl from his creative writing class. But the thought of her made Brad question what would happen later. Would Conner talk to her? Would they get along? What would happen if she actually was September and Conner swept her off her feet? 

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