Note 11

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As much as Sept enjoyed the cafeteria, she was afraid of seeing the boy again. Although the girl had never talked to the boy, he made her anxious. The library was empty per usual. September sat at the same table, but with a new book in her hand, Peter Pan. It was a classic that she enjoyed. Her mother used to read it to her as a kid. For millions of reasons, she loved the idea of never growing up. September could live without responsibility. Without worry. Without regret. 

The lunch bell rang and she exited the library. European history had become one of her favorite classes. The notes that she received were the highlight of the days in misery. 

Hello September Michelle Adams. I am sorry I said "Hi" instead of hello. I just thought that I could start my note a little more casual than formal. But anyways, my weekend was pretty normal. Slept in till noon and you guessed it...Band Practice. Am I that predictable? I will tell Connor hi and of course we can hang out. Should we see a movie, I could bring Tris and James. They are pretty cool too, but I am the best. I could give you our numbers if you like? Ok question of the day, what are your favorite lyrics?

~Bradley Will Simpson

The lime green note was still scribbled in blue ink. September wanted Brad's number, but it would ruin her project.

Hi Bradley Will Simpson. I like your middle name, it has a nice ring. Yes, you are sort of predictable and we can see a movie Saturday. You can bring all your friends; I would love to meet them. I don't think we should exchange numbers, because I like being able to talk to you once a day. It is the highlight of my day. How about on Saturday we exchange numbers? Anyways, I have no clue what my all time favorite lyrics are. If I had to choose who were the most powerful in my opinion is the 1975. I know that there probably are better bands, but I love their use of metaphors in different songs as well as the meaning behind some of them. Ok my question for you is do you have any pet peeves?

~ S.M.A

The black ink hit the dull pink sticky note. Her initials signed in cursive at the bottom. Just as her class was about to end, the girl slipped the note under the desk into its original position.

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