Note 9

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During their creative writing class, neither talked to the other. Connor never ended up talking to September due to him not even being there. He ended up leaving school early, so Brad had one less worry until Monday. 

Today was a Monday. A new week and Sept wanted to try something new. She was going to actually eat in the cafeteria. Her black high tops hit the tiled floor of the cafeteria. To say the least, it was crowded. The cliques sat together at their tables. This only made Sept feel like she was in the stereotypical high school movie. Per usual, she sat at one of the back tables and observed the crowds. Her brown eyes scanned the busy room. The sea of sound was canceled out by Fat Lip. The jocks and preps sat together in the middle of the cafeteria. The stoners could be seen through the glass door which led outside. The skaters sat along one of the walls. The scene queens sat across from her. September let out a chuckle; she hadn't even realized that they still existed. The 'weird kids' and the emos sat together on the other side of the room along the walls. Sept never disliked them. She actually liked them.

As she watched the social groups interact in their circles, a group of guys who sat in the corner diagonal of her caught her attention. They were the same boys from her writing class. She watched them intensely at them in a way that wasn't creepy, but curious. Her chocolate eyes studied the group as they talked to one another. As much as she tried to watch all of them, her focus seemed to always travel to the brunette with the curly hair. Whenever he smiled, she wanted to smile. Whenever he laughed, she wanted to laugh. She wanted to talk to him. She tried not to get caught looking, but she did. Her eyes locked with his for a split second, before they locked back onto her book. For a single moment, she looked up only to find him standing up. 

Fear struck upon herself. She knew that she couldn't talk to him. September knew that she would just be awkward and embarrass herself, so without any more thought she threw her copy of Nerve into her bag and her leftover food in the trash. In a single minute, she was out in the empty hallway and made her way to her Euro class.

Once the bell rang, she entered the classroom and pulled the sticky note from the desk. She was actually surprised that it stuck on for the entire weekend. 

Hi Sept. I would definitely go to New York and Los Angelus. Maybe we could go together sometime. I would probably live in LA because I am in a band, but New York is New York. The only thing I disagree with you about is the whole day thing. New York has plenty to do. There are a shit ton of sight seeing places. The matter of who I would bring is slightly difficult. If I had a limit of one, it would be the worst, but if I could bring everyone I wanted to bring it would be easy. I would definitely bring my family and friends. Since it is Friday and you won't see this until  Monday, how was your weekend?


Her pen instantly hit the new lime green sticky note.

Where was my hello? I'm the one that says hi Bradley ________ Simpson. What is your middle name? Mine is Michelle. Anyways, my weekend was lovely. I went shopping and my aunt and I had a girls day. What about yours? Let me guess you had band practice with your mates. By the way tell Connor I say hi and we need to hang out soon. I don't know why, but I would really like to meet him. And you of course. Maybe we could hang out this weekend?

~September Michelle Adams

September's stomach tied in knots as she finished up the note. She wanted to meet Brad, but what if he didn't like her?

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