Chapter 2

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Hey guys / girls Sun here and I tried my hardest to write a three page chapter and mention both Ashtion’s and DesmondsP.O.V ,so I hope you enjoy the chapter . 

Moon wasn't able to help me write but she was able to send my Mallia POV

Oh yea by the way the [ ] indicates they are taking in there head not directly to someone. IDK


 -Eclipse- / Sun O.O


{Meliea POV }

"It’s over" I said on the phone to Dez I lock my phone and layed down on my bed. I heard a voice coming from the bathroom saying "Baby why don't you relax". A tall, brutally strong boy came from the bathroom only in his boxers, His name was Jason. Jason started to make his way to the bed . He started to kiss my legs and then my waist . He then run his hand through my shirt and at the same time he grabbed my breast and ass firmly . He started to kiss me everywhere ,I started to feel him grow hard and he whispered "Can you give me a hand job ?" He pulled my shirt off and un-hook my bra . Afterward his cold , big hands grabbed by breast . I grabbed his dick and started... ........

After we ..... I had to start packing to go to move away with Jason that's the reason I had to dump Dez.I really loved Dez he was a really nice guy but Jason is just so wow in bed Dez just couldn't do "It" right. Jason knows what I want. But there's still something about Dez. ...............

(AshtionPOV )

{ Same night , at the party . Ashtion still vomiting her guts out and the party continuous to go on and the community police comes to the spot of the party and starts to tell people that the party is over }

I can somehow hear Jess in the background of the police sirens and the some of the seniors at my school shout “Fuck the police “ . Jess came to my aid and clean me up and me and her shared a gallon of water to wash down the liquor.  After a half an hour I started to become sober and then I realize that it was five to twelve. I had to call my mom to pick Jess and I.  I was  able to reach my mom and she shouted to me saying “ Walk down the street , because I don’t want to hear that garbage that you children call music . “ Jess and I walked to the road and waited for my mom to come. Both of us was walked in a curve but we made it .

After an hour my mom made it to the corner of Claire house . When we entered my mom jeep she the attacked me with questions.

Are you drunk ?

Did you had sex?

Did you do drugs ?

*[I reply as fast as I can because I knew that she would take me to the hospital to check,  to make sure . Or worst she would do the checks herself , Me and Jess was thinking the same thing ]

As we made our way to Jessie’s house me and Jessie passed out on each other . Only thing I can remember was my mom waking us up to let Jessie go  . I walked her to her room and closed her door so she won’t get in trouble from her parents .

I then walked back to my mom jeep with my head swing and barley pulling off that I wasn’t drunk . I stayed up the whole ride to my house thing about what happened  tonight  or last night . 

{ Following morning }

I woke up with everything shining and my head hurting from last night .

Shit why did she had to have it on a Sunday night . I heard my mom walking upstairs  , so I ran into the bathroom . My mom asked  " Are you ok ?" I replied saying  I'm alright , just the time of the month . My mom replied saying " ohh , still going to school ."


I washed my face and started to get ready for school .

When I reached to school almost everyone was holding their head , I hurried  to History to check with Jessie . I found her holding her head ,trying to get in some Z's .

I sat down and slept during restoration and woke up when the History teacher Miss Hotward came in and shouted " ALL OF YOU"LL CHILDERN NEED TO WAKE UP AND TURN TO CHAPTER 14"

I sighed , turned to chapter 14 lifelessly and  daydream about that night .

{ Desmond POV}

I continued to text her but there was no responds from M  . For the rest of the walk home I was silent and walked slowly .

In my mind I was think about what I did wrong .

What did I do ?

Was it because I was too busy to keep her attention.


What a good but bad night .  About half the way home i stated to think about our good time and how we had fun and the carnival . And how we ride my dirt bike around the city .

I broke into tears and then I collapse to the floor . Seeing where i was i got back on my feet and went to my cuz to get my dirt bike from him .

When i reached his home , I wiped my face and knock on the door .

He opened the door and asked

"You want you bike or nor ? "

I composed myself and say yea i need to ride it home


He handed me the keys and said "Push it down the street and then start it up"

I could understand because it is super loud and it would wake up everyone .

I started the bike and gave it a little clutch and road off .

I started to think about her and gave my bike more and more gas until it couldn't go anymore faster .

I slowed down and turned the corner to a super long road that i would usually wheelie so i clutch and gas and wheelie.


After a half an hour ride i road home and went to bed .


{Writer’s Notes }


We need  a idea why Mellia broke up with Desmond , so Moon and I came up with that idea . You will be seeing more of Mellia down the road .LoL so tired from brain storm but Its COOL .

This is just a taste of the chapter i will finish it by Monday


Yaaa two pages its getting higher 


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