What Have I Done?

709 32 28

4 Days Later

Music blared and gossip flowed, as Ronni sat on her bed. She waited as her bestie picked out a body suit and jeans for the "party" they were going too. "Black or Pink?" Hailee asked. Ronni bit her lip and started off into space.

"I don't know if I should go. With Phoebe in the hospital and Scott always by her side, Pippa has to take care of four kids alone. I think I should stay," Ronni tried. She was nervous about having sex and she wanted any excuse possible to get out of going. Hailee rolled her eyes.

"She's in a vegetative state right now, right?" Hailee asked. Ronni but her lip and nodded. "Then she will still be in one when we get back. Now like I said, black or pink?" She reiterated. Ronni threw her hands up and sighed.

"I think black, but what does Regash like? Probably black right?" Ronni stressed. Sophie giggled and pushed her long strawberry blonde hair behind her ears.

"Rehash likes anything he can fuck. He won't care," Sophie replied. Ronni took a deep breath and slightly rolled her eyes. She didn't really want to do it with a fuck boy, but Sophie went through all the trouble to get him. And she needed the practice, right? "Anyways, I have to be wasted tonight. Gino wants to hook up and I can't do it sober! He talks so much!" Sophie complained. Ronni looked at her confused but brushed it off to get ready.

"Soph! Leave Gino alone! He sleeps with 13 year olds! That's nasty! And I'm pretty sure he has Hep C," Hailee yelled. Sophie rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Fine. I'll sleep with... literally anyone," Sophie sighed, as she grabbed her jacket and wallet. Hailee gave her a weird look and stopped her.

"Where are you going?" Hailee asked. She had moved in between Sophie and the bedroom door.

"I have to go get the stuff from Richie," Sophie replied. Hailee gave her a questioning look and shook her head.

"Where are you going to put it? You can't keep it in your car and I'm pretty sure Ronni's parents aren't going to let her keep alcohol in the house," Hailee said. Ronni shrugged. She had a good point. Lin had still been coming home drunk, if he showed up, and Pippa started to despise alcohol.

"Yeah no! I'm pretty sure that would be the one thing that got me kicked out. Just keep it in the trunk until we get to Hailee's after the party," Ronni suggested. Sophie shrugged and waved her keys in Hailee's face.

"Move. I'm off to get us a good time," Sophie smirked as she skipped out the house. Ronni stared out of her window afraid that her good time was going to turn into a nightmare. Boy was she in for a surprise.

12:26 PM

Lin laid on the couch, half passed out, when Pippa marched into the living room with a pitcher off water. "We need to talk," Pippa said. Lin waved her off and leaned over to see the TV. When he realized that he was still drunk and would probably puke, he sat back up.

"Woman, you need to move," Lin demanded. Pippa rolled her eyes and threw the water in his face. She slammed the pitcher on the coffee table and folded her arms over her bump.

"No! You need to move! Get back to work! Get back in the theater! And get away from the booze!" Pippa yelled. Lin scoffed and pushed his wet hair out of his eyes.

"I'm fine. You need to chill-"

"I need to chill?!" Pippa freaked. "I'm fucking pregnant! This baby is coming in ten weeks and you have done nothing to prove that you can be a better father than Cody!" Pippa yelled. Lin folded his arms and sucked his teeth.

"I don't need this from you, too," he accidentally slipped. Pippa's eyes went wide and her hands found her hips.

"What the hell do you mean, me too? Who else has said this to you and why?" Pippa asked. Lin didn't know whether to lie or tell the truth. But, before his brain could decided his mouth did.

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