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  "So how was your first day?" I ask once we are seated in my car heading home. Rudolph was kind and helped me around, we didn't show up to any class late and he said that he can help me till I get the hang of things. I found out that he is actually friends with Jullian and them. Omega is in my second to last period, which I am grateful for. I'd rather not be alone in all my classes. We have a group project going on in art and me and Rudolph are together, we have to draw each other and paint it as we see the person. Like make the person up as how our eyes see them, kind, mean, rough, sweet, tall, all those things. And the colors have to represent our personality and mood. I don't know if Rudolph is any good at art but I've takin art since the beginning of High school.

"It was fine. I made a friend in my music class. His name is Jullian and he said he met you already. He's sweet and helped me out today in class because I had no clue what the lady was talking about." Amethyst says while looking up to the front. Her pearly whites showing, so no one gave her trouble, good.

'I met a boy, his name is Flynn, and he helped me a lot today. He's in most of my classes because he knows sign language and they just paired us up so it wouldn't be hard for the teachers. He's kind and he sat with me and Ams at lunch.' Iggy signed in the rearview mirror.

"That's good Ig and so it was an alright day right?" I asked in which they both nodded. Iggy and Amethyst began their own conversations on their schoolwork while I drive back home.

Once we did get home I noticed mom was still at work. So I grabbed each of us a snack to hold us off till dinner. We sat at the dinner table doing our homework. Iggy has a French test next week and Amethyst has a Volleyball try out this weekend. They have roughly the same classes so they helped each other out with getting their work done and I sat and tried to figure out a way to draw Rudolph. I didn't have a lot of stuff going on in my classes and I didn't have anyone's phone numbers yet.

So by the time we did finish it was half past six, mom should be home in less than in an hour if she doesn't get held up. The three of us piled into the Living room to watch some TV and the two of them decided we were going to watch SpongeBob.

The front door opened and closed and Mom walked in. Her blond almost white hair sitting in a messy braid. Bags hang under her eyes but she has a smile on her face seeing us. Her forest green eyes meet mine and her smile drops when she notices I have my contacts in. She gives me a sad smile but heads into the kitchen to  start making homemade pizzas.

It wasn't till a quarter after Seven O'clock till it was time to sit around the table and eat. I didn't pack myself a lunch and school lunches are disgusting.

"How was the first day? Sorry I couldn't be there to see you off but I got called in." My Mother looked down at her meal. We were used to it, so it didn't bother us as much as it used to. She has to work to keep a roof over our heads, so we don't blame her.

'Its fine mama, really. I met a few people and nothing is really happening in classes seeing how its the first day back from fall break.' Ig keep it short and sweet. She gives me a nod and then Amethyst starts.

"Same as Iggy except I have a lot more work. The seniors are just trying to get ready for graduation and the rest of us are still stuck there for four more years." She acts as though I haven't been through that. And graduation isn't until the end what the hell is she talking about. My teachers are just lazy and don't give a damn.

"Same." That's all that I respond with.

"That's.......good. I'm sorry but after we finish I have to head back to the hospital." She rested her head in her hands barely touching her food. She's been working a lot more these days. We nod and begin to talk about old times, happier funnier times. Mom smiled and laughed as did the twins.

Sea Green Eyes (BxB)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن