Chapter 9

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Recap: My heart dropped...2 more months without Cody?

I ran upstairs. I grabbed my phone and clicked on Cody's name. He picked up on the first ring.

"Hey babe!" He sounded so happy...I'm about to ruin that.

"Hi Cody." I said trying to hide the sadness in my voice.

"Baylee, what's wrong?" Well i failed at trying to cover that up.

"Cody, I'm here for two more months..." I trailed off at the end.


"I know... I just want to be home."

"I want you here, too." He said calmly. I heard my aunt walk into my room..

"I've got to go. Text me. I love you." I tried to sound happy, but it just wasn't working.

"Okay, angel. Love you too." And with that he hung up. I turned to my aunt.

"So, are you going to tell my why we are staying here for another two months?"

"Your grandma is having a hard time coping with everything that's happened, so she asked for us to stay with her." She said in a serious tone. I just nodded my head and went to my bathroom. I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth. I went back into my room and thankfully my aunt was gone. I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. What is going to happen these next two months? What if Cody moves on? What if we lose contact? These were the thoughts that flooded my mind. My phone dinged and I was quickly brought back to reality. I looked down at my phone. It was a message from the one who was always on my mind, Cody.

Cody: Angel, I just want you to know that we can make this work. I love you so much and I will always be yours.

I smiled when I saw his message. I guess he just answered those questions...

Me: I know we can make it work. I love you, too. <3 I'm going to sleep.

Cody: Good night, my beautiful angel. Sweet dreams <3

I then fell asleep, dreaming of Cody.

-1 month later-

I was perfectly fine dreaming about Cody until I was shaken awake by my aunt.

"Come on girl! We are going shopping!" I groaned at her over excited voice.

"Alright, alright..." I said as I went off to my bathroom to get ready. I left my natural curls and applied some mascara. I changed into some jean shorts and a tank top. I met my aunt in the car. We went to the mall and I got tons of new clothes. We stopped by Claire's for some earrings. It was so awkward seeing Cody's face on everything... I keep forgetting that he is famous! After we left Claire's, I met up with Paul in the food court. I went to his house to hang out with him and his friends. We spent hours playing video games and by we I mean they did. I mostly just texted Cody. At around 9 pm, Paul took me home. When I got home, I went to my room.

"BAYLEE! GET DOWN HERE!" My aunt screamed. I ran down the stairs almost tripping. I went into the living room and saw my aunt and my grandma glaring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"What is this?!" My grandma asked while shoving a letter the read New York Dance Academy across the top.

"A letter...?" I replied sarcastically.

"Well are you going to go?" My aunt asked.

"But, I haven't danced since the accident. I'm probably not good anymore. " I said.

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