Chapter 18

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-Baylee's POV- 

MIGHT. Might have. They might have found the cure for this cancer infecting my body. I was extremely tempted to slam the door in the guys face, but I tried to remain calm. Could this so called cure work? What if it killed me? Eh. I guess I'll die either way.  

"You'll have to talk with my aunt about it." I stated calmly. He looked at me funny. 

"I've already spoke with her. She told me to come by." So she already knew about this...  

"Well I need to know more about this 'cure' you have, like the risks and the chances of it actually working." I stated. He immediately pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me. I looked over it. The chances of this thing working were 1 out of 4. Maybe I could be that one. Ah what the heck? 

"Okay. I'll do it."  

"Great! I'll stop by tomorrow to pick you up." He said as he walked away. I shut the door and slid to the ground. What was I getting myself into? Maybe this could work. Maybe not.

~Next day~ 

I packed a small bag of clothes not knowing if I was coming back home anytime soon, when the doorbell rang. I heard my aunt answer the door and call my name. I ran down the stairs with my bag and was greeted by that Cure the Cancer man, who's name was apparently Bill. He led my aunt and I out to his car and he drove us to the Cure the Cancer center in Brisbane. Once we arrived, Bill led me to what was going to be my room for however long I was here. As soon as I sat down on the bed, doctors came in and started doing tests. I felt so uncomfortable. Soon, the started to put their magical medicine in my IV. I prepared myself for the worst, death. The next morning I didn't feel any better. I guess the medicine wasn't that magical... My treatment lasted for about a month and surprisingly my cancer was disappearing.

-Cody's POV-  

"What was that?" I laughed as Alli did some weird dance move. She is crazy. Just like Baylee. Baylee. I haven't talked to her since she broke up with me. I honestly don't even know if she is still alive. Alli even lost contact with her after a week or two. I really am worried. Maybe I should go over to her house. No. She told me to move on. But I really need to know if she's okay. I'll just stop by and ask her aunt. Yeah, I'll do that.  

"Uh Alli I'm going out. Tell mom for me." I asked as I ran out the door. She yelled something, but I couldn't understand her. I hopped in my mustang and drove to her house. I got out quickly and rang the doorbell and knocked. No answer. I knocked some more. I rang the doorbell some more. No answer. Maybe they're just out. Or maybe Baylee is dead. I shivered at the thought. No. She can't be dead. I heard a car pull up and there she was, sitting in the passenger seat of her aunt's car. A huge relief had been lifted off my shoulders, but then I began to worry again. What if she gets mad at me for being here?  

"Uh hi." I said awkwardly as she approached me. She giggled a little. 

"Hi." She said calmly. She looks healthier and happier. She still looks beautiful. So beautiful.  

"So uh what are you doing here?" I asked. Then I mentally slapped myself. She lives here you idiot. 

"Uh I live here. What are you doing here." She said sarcastically. What am I supposed to tell her? 'Uh just making sure you weren't dead.' NO.  

"Oh I was... Alli was worried. She hadn't heard from you in a while and she asked me to check up on you." Well played Cody. Well played. Baylee looked confused and hurt. 

"Oh well I was gone for a bit... on vacation." She blurted out. Lies. I could always tell when Baylee lied to me, but I couldn't let her know that. 

"How was it? Where did you go?" I questioned. A look of panic fled across her face. 

"It was great. Brisbane was so beautiful and sunny. The beaches were great too." More lies. Her aunt had left us outside and we just stood in the front yard just looking at each other. I didn't respond to her statement. I just looked at her. Her green eyes bore a worried look.  

"Seriously Baylee. Where were you? Alli's spent the last few weeks thinking you were dead." Her face cringed.  

"I just told you." She said cooly as she turned away from me. I turned her around and grabbed her hands so she had to look at me.  

"Come on Baylee. You and I both know that's not the truth. Tell me."

-Baylee's POV-

I just stared at Cody blankly. His words made my insides cringe. How did he know that wasn't the truth? Maybe I should just tell him.  

"If Alli was so worried why didn't she come over here herself?" I said, trying to avoid telling him the truth.  

"It wasn't just Alli that was worried. I was, too. I mean I was in love with you... actually I still am." He mumbled. His words made my heart flip flop and a huge smile grew on my face.  

"Why are you smiling? I thought you would be mad. I was supposed to be getting over you." He said, confused. I giggled again.  

"I would be mad if I still had cancer." I watched as Cody's faced went from confused to shocked to happy.  

"WHAT?" He screamed as he picked me up and spun me around and pulled me into a long hug.  

"Yeah that's where I've been this month, getting treatments."  

"Why didn't you tell me?" He mumbled into my hair. 

"I didn't want to get your hopes up. There was still a risk of me dying and I knew I couldn't hurt you anymore." I stated as I pulled away from him and looked into his aqua eyes. He nodded understandingly and pushed some hair out of my face.  

"I'm really tempted to kiss you right now." Cody blurted out. 

"Go right ahead." I said as his lips met mine. I forgot how wonderful his kisses were. I could feel his love for me in his kiss. This is definitely the start of something beautiful.


THE END! I'm so sorry it took me like 2 years to write this and it's extremely bad. If you want an Epilogue lemme know. Thanks for reading (:

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