xxiii // i'm sorry // xxiii

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millies pov

"Look Finn, you're mom isn't going to kill you" I said as we walked down the busy school hallway. Finn had been really anxious all morning, and it was starting to worry me.

"Yes she is. She's going to kill me, then kill me again, and after she's done killing me she'll probably strangle me." Finn replied. I finally accepted the fact that I probably wouldn't be able to calm his nerves, so I just gave up trying.

"Well, I need to get to math class. I'll see you later Millie." Finn informed as he walked away from me.

I began to head to class myself, until I seen a familier face approaching me.

"Hey Millie"

"Ugh. Hello Maddie" I replied with a sigh. I did not want to talk to Maddie, not after what she said about Finn and I.

"What's up?" she said with a slight smile on her face.

"Look Maddie, I need to get to class or I'll be late." I retorted as I began to walk away.

"Wait! I kind of wanted to talk to you about something." she exclaimed. I stopped walking and turned around to face Maddie.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what I said the other day, I was being a judgemental asshole and I know that I royally messed up. It's honestly none of my business who you like or go out with."

I was in utter shock that Maddie actually apologized for something. It was probably the first time she ever said the words "I'm sorry" to me.

"I accept your apology." I said grinning from ear to ear.

"So we're still friends?" Maddie asked.

"Of course we are."

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