ix // pretty // ix

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finns pov

I laid in my bed and thought of the wonderful day I had. After we got ice cream, we walked through the park and talked for probably an hour. Well, Millie did most of the talking, but I was a good listener. I wish I would've asked her for her phone number... Wait, is that creepy? Ugh, of course it's not creepy. She's a friend. I mean I think she's a friend, she said we were friends. I wonder if she really meant it... Of course she meant it. Why do I have to be such a bitch all the time.

For whatever reason, I always feel like I make a fool out of myself when I'm around her. Why the hell did I have to bring up the whole failure thing? It just makes me look like a fucking freak.

"For goodness sakes Finn, she doesn't think you're a freak. Now go to sleep" I muttered quietly to myself while gazing at the ceiling.

I tossed and turned in my bed for awhile. No matter what, I just couldn't get to sleep, I was too excited to see Millie again at school tomorrow. She's so nice, not to mention she's pretty. Really pretty. She might be the prettiest girl I've ever seen, fuck that, she's more than pretty. She's absolutely gorgeous. She could probably be a model. Every single inch of Millie is perfect.

Her cheery personality is infectious. When she smiles, I seem to find myself smiling as well. She's one of the very few things that can make me feel genuinly happy. Whenever I'm with Millie, I feel kinda warm and mushy inside. Oh gosh... do I love her? Nah, there's no way. Even if I did, she would never go for a guy like me. I guess I just need a good night of sleep.

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