No Matter What Universe

Start from the beginning

When John woke that morning he was in an excellent mood, in fact it felt like the first time in a while he woke with a smile on his face. He was lying in his bed for a moment when he finally spotted that green shirt laying on the chair next to his bed...a very official looking green shirt...
"HAMISH GET UP!" John screeched, diving out of bed and grabbing the shirt from the chair. He quickly changed, running down to his son's room with his uniform shirt and pajama bottoms, knocking agressivley on the door.
"What daddy, what?" Hamish wondered, wandering over to the door in his dinosaur pajamas, looking sleepy and annoyed.
"Time to get up, time to go, I've got to go to work I'll be late!" John exclaimed.
"What time do you start?" Hamish wondered.
"Six, for those early morning shoppers." John insisted, pretending like that wasn't completely unnecessary. It paid the bills, at least he assumed it would, and for that he wasn't going to complain.
"Daddy the bus comes at eight, what am I supposed to do until then?" Hamish wondered nervously, looking around the house as if expecting someone to be crouched in the corner, waiting for John to leave his son alone.
"You're old enough to stay here by yourself, aren't you?" John wondered a bit apprehensively. He trusted Hamish of course, but Hamish didn't trust himself just yet.
"Yes but I don't want to." Hamish muttered, looking very nervous, as if about to cry.
"That's fine, that's fine, I'll just call Mrs. Hudson. Look I'm already going to be late, so give me a moment alright?" John decided, rushing into his room to change his pants and shoes and comb his hair. John was doing a very odd contortion act as he tried to dial Mrs. Hudson's number while putting on deodorant, and he could already tell it wasn't going well.
"John...what in the world are you calling for at this hour?" Mrs. Hudson wondered, sounding groggy.
"Mrs. Hudson, yes, sorry about that, I know it's early." John agreed.
"Is Sherlock there with you?" Mrs. Hudson asked, sounding almost worried. John paused for a moment, taken aback by her question.
"Mrs. Hudson what kind of man do you take me for?" John asked, sort of offended by her accusation.
"Certainly not one that calls at five in the morning, but obviously I was wrong there as well." Mrs. Hudson mumbled. John just shook his head in annoyance, brushing his teeth the best he could while still talking on the phone.
"I need to go to work, I got a job at the grocery store and they gave me this miserable shift and I've got to get over there, do you mind watching Hamish, just this once before I can work things out? I'll pay you this time, I promise." John assured. Mrs. Hudson sighed, as if she were contemplating between doing the right thing and getting another hour of sleep. John knew this moral dilemma, so he let her take her time.
"Fine, send him over, but just this once. I'm not usually pretty this time in the morning." Mrs. Hudson agreed.
"Thank you Mrs. Hudson, bless you." John said thankfully, feeling as if a thousand pounds had been lifted off of his shoulders.
"Don't mention it John, but tell me this." Mrs. Hudson decided. John nodded, gurgling with mouthwash very quickly before spitting the burning acid into the sink.
"Anything." he agreed.
"How was the kiss?" she asked. John just laughed, shaking his head even though he knew Mrs. Hudson couldn't see him.
"It was wonderful, but I've got to go. I'm sure Sherlock will fill you in later, but for now I've really got to run, I can't be late on the first day." John insisted, and with that he hung up the phone and did whatever else he needed to do. Finally he ran out the door, dragging a very disgruntled Hamish out by the arm, totting his backpack on the other.
"Daddy what about breakfast?" Hamish asked sadly, stumbling along as John led him across the street.
"Mrs. Hudson will feed you, don't worry, you're in good hands." John assured.
"I meant for you." Hamish pointed out, and John just sighed, ringing the doorbell and smiling down at his son. It was nice to know someone cared enough about you to make sure you ate breakfast.
"I'll be fine buddy; I'm going to a grocery store! I'm sure I won't go hungry." John assured. Finally the door opened and Mrs. Hudson poked her head through, wearing a gigantic pink bathrobe and a frown.
"Good morning Mrs. Hudson." John said with a smile, trying to cheer her up a little bit.
"Hello John, and John Jr." she muttered, opening the door wider to let Hamish walk inside.
"Thank you sooo much for letting him stay here, you know this means so much to me." John decided, giving her a forceful hug.
"Yes well, keep dating my gardener." Mrs. Hudson decided, and John just laughed.
"Don't worry Mrs. Hudson, the day I break up with him is the day I break myself." John assured.
"That's a cheery thought." she mumbled, yawning widely.
"Alright I should get going, lots to do. Thanks so much Mrs. Hudson, have a nice day at school Hamish!" John called, and with that he ran over to his carand got into the front seat, rolling down the driveway and speeding to the store.
"Where were you?" the manager asked, standing near the front doors. He was so close that the automatic doors stood open, letting a very cold breeze flood through the front of the store.
"Home, sorry, I didn't set my alarm and my son was scared to be alone and I hada long night previous it was just...chaos." John admitted with a guilty smile, hoping he would give him a little break.
"Chaos doesn't do well in my store! Chaos isn't in the employee handbook!" the manager yelled.
"Yes of course, I'm sorry, it won't happen again." John assured, shaking the managers hand as if that were going to help anything.
"Just this once Watson, beginner's luck, I'll let it slide. But I'm not scared to fire you on your second day at the job. Mark my words, you're being watched." He decided, his eyes flashing behind his thick rimmed glasses.
"Yes sir, thank you sir." John agreed. He looked around rather awkwardly, not sure what to do. Obviously there were no customers at six o'clock in the morning, but the manager hadn't directed him to anyone that would be training him or even to his work station, so John was left rocking awkwardly back and forth on his heels while he waited for instruction.
"So um...what should I do now?" John wondered, looking at his boss unsurely.
"Just wait a moment, he'll be here soon." The manger sighed.
"Who will be here soon?" John wondered.
"Oh would you look who it is?" said a very obnoxious, vaguely familiar voice from behind him. John turned to see none other than the man the myth the drunken legend, Greg Lestrade.  
"No way." John muttered, the only thing he could say that would define his emotions right now.
"Yes way, oh this is great. I've got so many questions for you, news travels fast around this neighborhood and I heard you've stole someone's heart. Talk of the town." Greg said excitedly, bounding up to John in an identical uniform.
"You're going to be my mentor? You work here too?" John asked, a bit astounded. Not to be mean or anything, but why would Greg work here? Not that it was a bad thing, obviously John worked here, but Greg seemed like such a legend it seemed impossible that he could work in such meager conditions.
"Well of course I am, I'm not just here to show off. I've heard so much about you though, this is an honor." Greg decided with a laugh.
"And I you, Molly can't stop raving about how much fun you are." John pointed out. Greg just laughed, fixing his tie a little bit and smiling proudly.
"Molly thinks I'm fun huh?" he muttered, sounding as if that were the highest compliment she had ever paid him.
"Well you two get working, this isn't social hour!" the manager exclaimed, finally moving away from the automatic doors and letting the warm air collect.
"Well this is brilliant, let's go down to the cash registers, that's where you'll be working." he decided, leading John past large decorations of flowers and muffin displays.
"So how do you like working here?" John wondered nervously, following Greg like an obedient puppy.
"Oh you know, it's work, it's awful, and I'm pretty sure the manager has more oil in his hair than the cooking oil in aisle five!" Greg admitted with a laugh, and John chuckled nervously.
"Well that's um...that's unfortunate." John muttered, honestly not knowing how to respond to that. The other workers were watching as Greg cackled, radiating energy this early in the morning, it was incomprehensible to say the least.
"Nah, it makes life interesting. And speaking of an interesting life, tell me about life with the gardener." Greg insisted, spinning around on his heel witha large smile on his face.
"Sherlock, oh, Sherlock's good." John shrugged, not knowing what else to say to someone he had just met.
"Good at what?" Greg wondered, raising his eyebrows and making John scowl. What is it with people jumping to the wrong conclusions all the time?
"Well, talking, being beautiful, being perfect, those are usually qualities I look for." John decided. 
"You know I never really took you as the gay type, I'm sure you get that a lot though." Greg pointed out.
"Ya, everyone's had their doubts with me. Even Sherlock said I'm too straight to be bisexual." John laughed. Greg halted suddenly, turning into the second last register with a smile.
"This is your register, your home." He said happily, gesturing to the lonely looking cash register.
"Yay..." John muttered.
"You know, Sherlock saw coming out a mile away. That guy is just like a neon sign screaming I like men to passersby. Honestly though, speaking as a totally straight dude, he's gorgeous. Like, I wouldn't want him for myself, but you sir, are a lucky man. I'm sure Molly's totally mad though, she's loved Sherlock for as long as I can remember." Greg pointed out. John sighed, kind of getting bored of Greg talking about things he already knew.
"Ya, he's pretty beautiful, but Molly's not mad. She loves us together, she told me herself. She's my relationship councilor." John pointed out.
"Ah, that's always helpful. But you need some male friends, some bros. I understand everything there is to know about relationships, I can help you out whenever you need." Greg assured.
"I'll probably take you up on that." John decided. Of course he loved Molly's company, but at times she could be a bit...feminine. It would be nice to have a dude that just wanted to kick back, have a beer and watching football with. And talk about John's beautiful boyfriend. That too.

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