No Matter What Universe

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"I literally hate you John, I hate you so much! But I also love you, not as much as Sherlock, but I do. Does that make sense?" Molly wondered. John thought for a moment, but nodded.
"Surprisingly, yes." He agreed. She was jealous but happy she could live it through someone else's eyes.
"Oh this is magnificent, it's such a weird, betrayed, appreciative feeling that I have." Molly admitted. John just laughed, shaking his head apologetically.
"I'm sorry it couldn't be you, I really am." John admitted. Molly just laughed, looking as if John had just told the most hilarious joke.
"You're kidding me? John come on, he's so gay, and I'm not a guy, and you are a guy, a wonderful guy that tells me everything, so why should I complain? If he was with me he'd be unhappy and it would be a very awkward opinion. I'm happy being friends with both of you, as long as I can be maid of honor at your wedding." Molly decided, patting John on the top of his very wet head.
"Well, I mean...ya I can only think of Mrs. Hudson, unless Harry wanted to do it." John muttered.
"Who's Harry?" Molly wondered, and John laughed again, this time a much crueler laugh.
"Harry is my lovely sister. She's been the devil's daughter for as long as I can remember, and things definitely didn't get better as she aged. I haven't heard from her in a while, probably in jail again. They'd notify me if she was dead, right?" John wondered. Molly gasped at such an obscene thought, but John thought it was a fair question.
"I think so, yes." Molly agreed in a small, nervous little voice.
"Brilliant, so she's not dead." John decided with a little smile.
"Yay..." Molly muttered, looking as if John had just killed a puppy.
"Mrs. Hudson can walk Sherlock down the aisle." John decided.
"What about his father?" Molly wondered. John thought for a moment, but then nodded. He had totally forgotten that Sherlock had a family other than the one he built here.
"Oh ya...well, we'll sort that out." John decided.
"How about you wait until you're sure you actually want to get married." Molly suggested.
"Oh, I know I want to marry him. I've known for a while, and every second I spend in his presence is all the more evidence that he'd be the perfect husband." John decided. Molly just laughed, but nodded, as if she couldn't argue with that.
"He really is beautiful, isn't he? I think you'd make the best couple ever, you already are the best couple, and all you need now are rings to prove it." Molly decided.
"Like you said, let's wait a little bit. I'll give it a month, maybe two before I pop the question. I'm ready whenever, but I don't know about him. Maybe you'll need to be a spy, an inside eye." John decided with a little laugh.
"Mission marriage huh? Nah, Mrs. Hudson is Sherlock's relationship advisor, and I'm yours. We all help each other out with a gay eye and a straight eye, yin and yang helping each other out." Molly said with a smile.
"Well, I'm bisexual, so I mean..." John started, and Molly just laughed, slapping him in annoyance and getting off of her stool with a sigh.
"I had better get going, school tomorrow, I've got a bedtime too." she decided with a sigh.
"Any homework? Want me to tuck you in?" John wondered in a baby voice, and Molly just shooed him away.
"Oh go tuck Sherlock in, I'm sure he'll be a lot more accepting. In fact, he may ask you to join him." Molly offered with a laugh, pulling her rain coat on and hanging the towel on the coat rack.
"Oh shush Molly, even I'm not that desperate." John snapped, his cheeks glowing a bit.
"I know John, you're a good person, and that's why I respect your relationship with him. Just remember, one wrong move, just one, you'll face the wrath of all of the people on this street. Every. Single. One." Molly warned, pointing a suspicious finger at John.
"Even Mrs. Turner?" John wondered.
"Especially Mrs. Turner. We're all watching John, don't make a wrong move." Molly warned. John just laughed, shaking his head in reassurance.
"Don't worry, I wouldn't dream of it." he assured. Molly raised her eyebrows at him and walked backwards out the door, tripping over the welcome mat and steadying herself on the fence.
"Always watching!" she warned.
"Obviously not watching where you're going." John agreed, and Molly couldn't help but laugh.
"Good night John, sleep well." She decided finally, going right back to her happy go lucky personality.
"I will, goodnight Molly. Don't let those dreams about Sherlock keep you up all night." John suggested.
"Oh not to worry." Molly assured. John just laughed, shaking his head in amusement and giving one final wave before closing the door with a sigh. John headed upstairs to go check on Hamish, poking his head into his room. The light was off but there was enough movement to tell John that Hamish was awake, probably hearing every word said downstairs.
"You kissed him?" Hamish mumbled sleepily, and John just nodded.
"Ya I did." John agreed with a nervous little smile. It felt weird admitting all of this to his son.
"You going to...marry him?" Hamish murmured, in a voice so slurred John wondered if he was asleep or not.
"Maybe someday. Now go to sleep." John insisted, planting a kiss on his head, happy his son was still existent even after Molly's babysitting techniques. John slipped over to his room, changing into his pajamas and sliding under the blankets with a sigh. This had been a good day, a very good day. He was sure that his days would just keep getting better after this. John lay in bed for a moment, tucking the blankets under his chin and staring up at the ceiling. It was dark enough that he couldn't see the ceiling, only the shadows illuminating in from the street outside, shadows of tree branches stretching across the ceiling like fingers. But it didn't matter; in fact, John wasn't scared of anything anymore. He felt invincible, he felt incredible. Sherlock had chosen him for a partner, what else could he possibly ask for? What more could possibly hurt him? Even fate dare not touch a man who had stolen another's heart, and so John was protected, he was safe. It felt like the feeling that still tingled on his lips acted like a shield, a barrier protecting John from all things evil in this world, Sherlock's love being the most pure, the most good. He was going to be John's knight in shining armor, no matter how weak he appeared to be. Right now Sherlock seemed like a god, right now John felt like he needed to jump out of his window and run all the way to Sherlock's house, just to tell him how much he loved him, how much he cherished him. John knew that this was real, that this was more than love, this was truth. This was meant to be, sewn in the fabric of reality since the time the earth was first constructed. No matter what life, no matter what universe, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson would always become one. They would always find each other.

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